**** April 2019 mummies ****

Hello, please can you add me to the list 20th April. Got two BFPs today. Literally just got back from our honeymoon and I tested straight away as I was three days late. Went to the doctors this afternoon and she gave me the number for the midwife, she didn’t seem that bothered about confirming my home pregnancy tests but I asked if she would take a urine sample just to be sure, will get the results in a day or two.This is my first BFP, is it normal for doctors to just ask you a few questions and go off your home BFPs? According to the doctor and my fertility tracker I’m roughly 4 and a half weeks pregnant estimated due date 20th April. Feel very lucky that it has happened so quickly and on our honeymoon too. It hasn’t sunk in yet. Feeling very overwhelmed and Jetlagged.
Very normal! Surprised me too when I went first time round. I think home kits are quite accurate now so that’s why. Congratulations!
Hello, please can you add me to the list 20th April. Got two BFPs today. Literally just got back from our honeymoon and I tested straight away as I was three days late. Went to the doctors this afternoon and she gave me the number for the midwife, she didn’t seem that bothered about confirming my home pregnancy tests but I asked if she would take a urine sample just to be sure, will get the results in a day or two.This is my first BFP, is it normal for doctors to just ask you a few questions and go off your home BFPs? According to the doctor and my fertility tracker I’m roughly 4 and a half weeks pregnant estimated due date 20th April. Feel very lucky that it has happened so quickly and on our honeymoon too. It hasn’t sunk in yet. Feeling very overwhelmed and Jetlagged.

Aww congratulations! What a lovely surprise! Sounds normal to me, my GP has never even checked my url e with any of mine just went off my word haha! Get some rest lovely xxx
Finally joining this thread :wave:

So i got my :bfp: last Monday and was casually dipping in and out before i was 'brave' enough to leave ttc and head over here, so here i am :-)

Can i be put down for the 10th please, although i am pretty sure this will change.

I am excited, but i would say more worried and because i dont feel pregnant it almost heightens the worry.

wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months <3 looking forward to sharing this journey with you all :love:
Morning all, and welcome new mamas! Sorry you’re feeling so rubbish Laura!
Well, after days and days with arguing with myself and a lot of back and forth, I couldn’t bear it any longer and took another didgital clear blue hoping for a 3+ as my first test said 2-3 weeks..... and I got it! A big fat 3+ and it wasn’t even my first wee of the day! :D I’m so relieved, I know I shouldn’t take it as gospel that everything is hunky dory but it certainly has put my mind at rest :D Hope you’re all well xx


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Hello, please can you add me to the list 20th April. Got two BFPs today. Literally just got back from our honeymoon and I tested straight away as I was three days late. Went to the doctors this afternoon and she gave me the number for the midwife, she didn’t seem that bothered about confirming my home pregnancy tests but I asked if she would take a urine sample just to be sure, will get the results in a day or two.This is my first BFP, is it normal for doctors to just ask you a few questions and go off your home BFPs? According to the doctor and my fertility tracker I’m roughly 4 and a half weeks pregnant estimated due date 20th April. Feel very lucky that it has happened so quickly and on our honeymoon too. It hasn’t sunk in yet. Feeling very overwhelmed and Jetlagged.

Congratulations and welcome kellyanne!
Finally joining this thread :wave:

So i got my :bfp: last Monday and was casually dipping in and out before i was 'brave' enough to leave ttc and head over here, so here i am :-)

Can i be put down for the 10th please, although i am pretty sure this will change.

I am excited, but i would say more worried and because i dont feel pregnant it almost heightens the worry.

wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months <3 looking forward to sharing this journey with you all :love:

Yay welcome to the group IVW! Don’t worry its still very early for symptoms yet and some people don’t get many anyway! X
Morning all, and welcome new mamas! Sorry you’re feeling so rubbish Laura!
Well, after days and days with arguing with myself and a lot of back and forth, I couldn’t bear it any longer and took another didgital clear blue hoping for a 3+ as my first test said 2-3 weeks..... and I got it! A big fat 3+ and it wasn’t even my first wee of the day! :D I’m so relieved, I know I shouldn’t take it as gospel that everything is hunky dory but it certainly has put my mind at rest :D Hope you’re all well xx

Fabulous jomo! It does help to put our minds at rest a bit :) x
Laura I felt like that when I was pregnant with twins! It started very early and it was killing me. Midwife said it's normal as more hcg is produced. Who knows, maybe that's the case?

Twins :oooo: haha! Oh god help me!

Saying that i have had constant symtoms since about 3 wks! Even before my bfp!

Oh sorry you're feeling so rubbish Laura!

I always fancied twins first time round....only to get it all over and done with in one pregnancy! I like the end result but I'm not one of these women who glows and loves being pregnant. Would be a nightmare this time round though!

I'm not overly nauseous yet, I get the odd wave but it's mostly tiredness and boobs for me at the moment, 7 weeks tomorrow and that's when nausea hit with ds so I'm not looking forward to it!
Killer headache tonight as well...early night for me!

Anyone else in north west England?

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Yes I am from Wirral! Where are you?
It's my eldest 9th birthday tomorrow so I have just finished the last of wrapping and banners etc. But I feel mega tired tonight so just jumping into bed myself don't know if this is pregnancy or just a worn out mummy haha! Yey to 7 weeks tomorrow Xx

I’m in Salford! So not too far away!
Happy birthday to your biggest baby! Hope you have a nice day.
Mega tiredness is definitely pregnancy related, but having others to run around after doesn’t help. Ds wet the bed last night so I was up 4 times in total, 3 for me to pee and once with him.
I’m peeing loads! I’m also feeling really lightheaded, which I don’t remember from last time... anyone else?
Welcome kellyanne. Definitely normal, I just phoned said I had a positive pregnancy result and they booked me in to see midwife.

Welcome IVW! Glad to see you out of ttc and here with us.
Laura i was going to say the same about feeling worse this pregnancy. My tiredness is rediculous by lunch time I can hardly keep my eyes open and I have been feeling sick off and on too but luckily that’s not too bad (yet)
Not sure if it’s my age now making it harder that and the fact im probably the biggest I’ve ever been pregnant :( started back on slimming world from home this week in the hope I can lose a bit and keep my weight down as much as possible.
I’m aching like I’m 30+ weeks now 6/7 so need to do something or I am really going to struggle! Thank goodness I’m not working at the moment and also the kids are back at school Thursday YAY!

Wow your kids back already?! Are you scotland/NI??? I am so jealous mine aren't back till 4th September &#128557;&#128557;&#128557;

Yes I’m in Scotland :) they finished the end of June so feels like they have been off FOREVER!

God help you! But thinking Thursday! How many children do you have? Xx

I have 2 boys 5 and 4, although the 4 year old doesn’t start school here in Scotland so he is back to preschool. However we are moving back to England in the next few months so he will start then and I will have the days alone to rest and sleep haha
Just got my early scan appointment for next Tuesday!!! So I will be 6+5!!! I am so happy but so scared at the same time. Need to just try and forget about it and get through this week!
Just got my early scan appointment for next Tuesday!!! So I will be 6+5!!! I am so happy but so scared at the same time. Need to just try and forget about it and get through this week!

Oh that’s good, not too long to wait, it will be next week before you know it! X
Finally got through to my MW, she’s coming over on 29th Aug. Nausea has hit today, just had this yukky feeling in my stomach all day.
I have also felt a bit light headed Nik, especially in the mornings
Have just updated the due date list.. hope i have remembered everyone!
April is getting so busy!
Feeling worried, experienced an afternoon with less symptoms today, boobs are achy but less so, back achy but less so, less bloated than I have been, still yawning well though. Hoping it's just a sign of things levelling out for a bit and not something else. I had odd days with my first where symptoms seemed to disappear and then they returned but can't help but worry, i've not experienced it so far with this pregnancy. I so want my bloated belly back! No cramping pain or bleeding, so that's a good sign
Feeling worried, experienced an afternoon with less symptoms today, boobs are achy but less so, back achy but less so, less bloated than I have been, still yawning well though. Hoping it's just a sign of things levelling out for a bit and not something else. I had odd days with my first where symptoms seemed to disappear and then they returned but can't help but worry, i've not experienced it so far with this pregnancy. I so want my bloated belly back! No cramping pain or bleeding, so that's a good sign

It’s probably just things levelling out, I’ve heard hcg production starts slowing down once it hits a certain point, and symptoms can come and go anyway, I bet theres nothing to worry about pink, this first trimester is awful for worrying though isn’t it x
Hello, please can you add me to the list 20th April. Got two BFPs today. Literally just got back from our honeymoon and I tested straight away as I was three days late. Went to the doctors this afternoon and she gave me the number for the midwife, she didn’t seem that bothered about confirming my home pregnancy tests but I asked if she would take a urine sample just to be sure, will get the results in a day or two.This is my first BFP, is it normal for doctors to just ask you a few questions and go off your home BFPs? According to the doctor and my fertility tracker I’m roughly 4 and a half weeks pregnant estimated due date 20th April. Feel very lucky that it has happened so quickly and on our honeymoon too. It hasn’t sunk in yet. Feeling very overwhelmed and Jetlagged.
Congratulations and welcome Kellyanne. We’re due date buddies!
How lovely to have conceived on your honeymoon :)
Make sure you rest up xx
Finally joining this thread :wave:

So i got my :bfp: last Monday and was casually dipping in and out before i was 'brave' enough to leave ttc and head over here, so here i am :-)

Can i be put down for the 10th please, although i am pretty sure this will change.

I am excited, but i would say more worried and because i dont feel pregnant it almost heightens the worry.

wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months <3 looking forward to sharing this journey with you all :love:
Congrats!! Symptoms will probably kick in soon so try not to worry too much (I know it’s easier said than done).

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you too! x
Feeling worried, experienced an afternoon with less symptoms today, boobs are achy but less so, back achy but less so, less bloated than I have been, still yawning well though. Hoping it's just a sign of things levelling out for a bit and not something else. I had odd days with my first where symptoms seemed to disappear and then they returned but can't help but worry, i've not experienced it so far with this pregnancy. I so want my bloated belly back! No cramping pain or bleeding, so that's a good sign

It’s probably just things levelling out, I’ve heard hcg production starts slowing down once it hits a certain point, and symptoms can come and go anyway, I bet theres nothing to worry about pink, this first trimester is awful for worrying though isn’t it x

That's exactly what i'm hoping it is, I can't wait to get through this first trimester, I haven't even had my booking in appointment yet! I had to self-refer online once I was 5 weeks, they then take up to 2 weeks to write to you with an appointment!

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