So I have been researching the net, my outcome will be either:
1- Ovulated later than expected and it's early to detect baby and HB.
2- A blighted ovum:
A blighted ovum (also known as anembryonic pregnancy) happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself. A blighted ovum usually occurs within the first trimester before a woman knows she is pregnant. A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a womans body to naturally miscarry.
I have read lots of stories in and it's 50% by 50% outcome, either baby was found later, or d&c is needed.
I dont think it's enough to wait a week, I have booked to see my doc on Nov 6th which is 2 weeks after the appointment I had. I will just see another doc I heard of being good on Nov 5th because if I go and see him in a week I will be probably (if everything is ok) 5 weeks and something and baby cannot be seen.
I am thinking of having blood test to check HCG levels, dont know if I should do it without doc knowing. I asked him to do one and he said its worthless as maybe we can have positive results but still need to wait 2 weeks bec we need to know if baby is there.
I am just hanging in there, and I even told hubby I wana do a HPT again he was so mad at me bec I am feeling depressed. I don't smile, I just can't. I don't feel like eating but do so bec maybe my baby is still there.
Time is my life now. 2 weeks need to pass. Please God give me the strength to be okay in these two weeks I am just scared to have another baby lost and do d&c again and bleed for more than a month again and then wait 3 months to get preg again
What can we do? It's God's will, and hubby and I respect that.