Appointment wasn't good at all :(

Hi Suzan,

:hug: :hug: I agree with Sherlock, if you've still got symptoms that is a good sign (I can say this from experience too - when I think back, when I had my m/c symptoms began to fade a few days before, and they were no way as strong as they have been this time anyway).

Take it easy, and try not to get too stressed about it. You could try seeing another doctor but they'll probably say a similar thing and advise that you wait for the scan.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be - all the very best. :hug:
So I have been researching the net, my outcome will be either:

1- Ovulated later than expected and it's early to detect baby and HB.
2- A blighted ovum:
A blighted ovum (also known as “anembryonic pregnancy”) happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself. A blighted ovum usually occurs within the first trimester before a woman knows she is pregnant. A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a woman’s body to naturally miscarry.

I have read lots of stories in and it's 50% by 50% outcome, either baby was found later, or d&c is needed.

I dont think it's enough to wait a week, I have booked to see my doc on Nov 6th which is 2 weeks after the appointment I had. I will just see another doc I heard of being good on Nov 5th because if I go and see him in a week I will be probably (if everything is ok) 5 weeks and something and baby cannot be seen.

I am thinking of having blood test to check HCG levels, dont know if I should do it without doc knowing. I asked him to do one and he said its worthless as maybe we can have positive results but still need to wait 2 weeks bec we need to know if baby is there.

I am just hanging in there, and I even told hubby I wana do a HPT again he was so mad at me bec I am feeling depressed. I don't smile, I just can't. I don't feel like eating but do so bec maybe my baby is still there.

Time is my life now. 2 weeks need to pass. Please God give me the strength to be okay in these two weeks I am just scared to have another baby lost and do d&c again and bleed for more than a month again and then wait 3 months to get preg again :cry:

What can we do? It's God's will, and hubby and I respect that.
These are the worst days of my life.
DH is amazing, he has kept me so busy, we are always out as he says if I stay home I wont stop googling and it will just mess with my brain.

I bought 2 tests and did them. the dark lines came in almost 3 second, and looked extra dark.!! Would it still be possible to get the lines so so dark in few seconds in my case??
I took this one today

This one was done yesterday

I am just praying!
They are positive tests so try to remain hopeful :hug:

And I think its a good thing your hubby is keeping you busy. Sitting in front of the computer reading Google results isn't really the best way to help you. Sometimes I think it can have the opposite effect and cause you more concern and worry.

I stopped reading online stuff as I found it was making me paranoid. I feel so much better just keeping to a few decent sites (this one included) and talking with my GP, MW and friends. Some reading helps but I think its good to draw a line under things and not become overly obsessed with it.

I have never been in your situation, so I will not try and pretend I know how you feel. I can only guess the heartache is immense.

I hope that the two weeks passes as quickly as it can for you. Sounds like your DH is doing the best thing he can for you. I am guessing it is hard for him to understand how you feel. Men can often deal better with facts. To him, you have not lost the baby until it is confirmed one way or the other. So, he probably wonders why you are so depressed. I am happy he takes you out and about though. I know there are some who run away from sadness and depression.

I send hugs to you :hug: . I will keep my fingers crossed for you and will keep a look out for your news.

Love Sophs x
Please try and stay positive suzan and I really pray you have good news in 2 weeks and your hormones levels go up!
I just did HCG level test for my own info and:

HCG levels are in with a total of 14,646

Is this a good number!?!?
suzan said:
I just did HCG level test for my own info and:

HCG levels are in with a total of 14,646

Is this a good number!?!?

I don't really know much about these but I found this listing, although please remember its a US site and also not to be taken as gospel.

Also the levels need to be taken every couple of days to see if they are rising or falling to be of use from what I understand. So this as a one off may not be conclusive.
Sherlock said:
suzan said:
I just did HCG level test for my own info and:

HCG levels are in with a total of 14,646

Is this a good number!?!?

I don't really know much about these but I found this listing, although please remember its a US site and also not to be taken as gospel.

Also the levels need to be taken every couple of days to see if they are rising or falling to be of use from what I understand. So this as a one off may not be conclusive.


The doctor at the lab told me that levels look promising and that pregnancy is moving forward though I know I need to do a test in a couple of days. I wont do one bec I will see my other doc this Thursday so it will be 2 days from now so if he decides to see my levels then yes, I will do it.
It all looks vry promising for you. My fingers are tightly crossed for you xxx

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