Apparently 'nan' is common!!!

My mum refused to be nanna as she thinks it's common :roll: we had a right job finding her a name cos she thought grandma and granny were too old! She wanted to be g-ma :rofl: shes ended up as grandma, dads grandad, FOBs parents are nanna and noonoo! Was meant to be nanou, which isnthe Maltese, but K changed it! I had grandpa and nan and mums dad is grandad! I dont know if OHs family will end up with titles, but MIL is currently "Gs mummy"!
My MIL wants to be 'grandmum' because it sounds younger :whistle:
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g-ma!! that sounds like ali g's mum's title lol! is ur mum quite young and tredny lol :rofl: xx
Its confusing for us . we have grandad (my dad) grandad (oh dad) but he would prefer uncle lol . Then nanny which is my mum , nan which is my nanny . Then Da which is what I call my mums dad No idea why . I called my dads dad gogons as that was what I called him as a baby but he's passed away a few years now .
When my mum was alive she was Nanna to my nieces and nephews. Like many others have said she thought Grandma was too old for her. She was only in her 40s when my eldest Brothers first kids came along. My step mum and my hubby's mum are both in their 60s and are already Grandma to thier other grandchildre, so that's what they are going to be. Grandma Turner and Grandma Winder.
Granny sounds old x x but i think if thats what she wants to be called then its up to her.
my mum is a qualified nursery nurse and a registered nanny, therefore being a nanny was something she was paid for, she's insisting on grandma but that's her choice, OHs mum will probably be nan on nanna, although at the rate we're falling out with OHs family, we won't need a special name for her
This is so funny my mum cant decide what she wants to be called at 1st she wanted mama coz that's what her grandma was called then she changed her mind & said baby will have to just call her Michele coz all thr names sound too old now she has been nicknamed "GLAM-MA" by her staff coz she looks young & trendy but she's worried baby will call her this then when he goes to school people will think he has a speech impediment lmao not really bothered bout the rest coz trust me I have extended family but babys fathers mum can be go to hell granny as she cut ties with me when we split up at 27 wks despite me making contact!
My mum likes to be called Mamma, my dad goes by Grandad. However just lately my eldest son calls my mum Granny-ma, it really p*sses her off!!
Don't have to worry about MIL but before we fell out it was Nanna x x
My mum wants to be called Nan cos she said that Nanna or Granny or any of the others would make her feel old!

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