Anything that you just wouldn't ever wear?

:rotfl: you look like your going to eat me

heres me. i get over excited when im drunk :oops:
i dont no whats wrong with me i have a drink and start thinking its sexy to oull faces :roll: i need to start behaving like a mother to 2
Hell no, that's just boring. I get really immature and talk about sex a lot when I'm pished, make a right fool of myself.
me looking extremel stunning in a highly fashionable top of the range yellow pol shirt! :rotfl: :rotfl: It was the day i was induced and i looked soooooooo rough from just being so fed up and this is the only thing that would fit me (and its wat i wear for bed! A top i had from when i worked in a chippy and didnt return :oops: :oops: ) so eat your heart out ladies :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry I have no pics as I go to great lengths not to have my picture taken!

I would not wear any 80's fashion and that's fine because I remember it the first time round and did all the skirt with leggings and fingerless lacey gloves a la Madonna back then! It looked fine on me then as a young teenager but as a nearly 34 year old mother I don't think it me now :lol:

Saying that I like my flares and vintage dresses from the 70s which most of you would no be seen dead in :lol:
skatty said:
Saying that I like my flares and vintage dresses from the 70s which most of you would no be seen dead in :lol:

Don't count on it! I agree with you on the 80's thing too.

I wouldn't be seen dead in pale pink. I think the colour is lovely on little girls but not on me! :D
I LOVE pink but not pale pink and red and orange and anything colourful really. I do agree that sometimes when I see women in pale pink I think they look overgrown!!
LOL I do them faces anyway I dont need to be drunk haha



I suppose I need to start acting motherly LOL
found a pic of me not at my best - dog tired after bein up with Jamie teething
short shorts..not a chance with these stretchmarks!
Alfiesmummy said:
me looking extremel stunning in a highly fashionable top of the range yellow pol shirt! :rotfl: :rotfl: It was the day i was induced and i looked soooooooo rough from just being so fed up and this is the only thing that would fit me (and its wat i wear for bed! A top i had from when i worked in a chippy and didnt return :oops: :oops: ) so eat your heart out ladies :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


I think you look lovely in that pic, pregnancy must really suit you.

high waisted trousers i hate them gimmie my low cuts any day of the week!!!
oh and traccie bottoms even sweat pants cant stand the things
manda x
umm well theres certain things I will ONLY wear inside the house like trackies and fishnets - though not together lol and depends what mood im in :wink:

I used to be dead against labels and was a right hippy, but as my OH works in high-end fashion and keeps buying me labels I cant really say no :lol:

But the one thing I will NEVER wear is hats - they just dont suit me atall!

Cool pics everyone by the way :D
Anything that exposes my midriff! You have to have a nice belly for that. Both my sisters have their belly buttons done and they're both big girls, I really dont see why they did it as surely you have your belly button pierced to show off :?

I hate dungarees too, dont mind the dress version but the dungaree denim trousers nooooooooooo.

And I quite like my cardis and sandals :lol: In fact I wear cardis quite a lot :think: But I can get away with it at my age!

I couldnt wear fishnets , or socks and sandles, those skirts with all the ruffles if you know what i mean, hats, anything really tight , skirts and runners, pinty toed heels,glasses. Oh i can go on and on, there is alot of things that look horrid on me but so good on others.
I have one friend who puts on anything and looks great :twisted:
empa said:
the fluffy fleece coats with dogs and cats and wolves all over .

he he i know EXACTLY the ones you a market stall near you now!
leg warmers - esp on anyone aged over 18 and teamed up with a pair of flatty slip on shoes/flip flops


Tights - I HATE TIGHTS i cant think of anything worse!!!! esp girls who wear them on nights out in nightclubs where u sweat with the heat :puke: I feel sorry for any guy that pulls a girl takes them home and discovers their wearing tights esp after a night raving it up in some night club with nylons on :puke: :lol:


any clothing burbury tartain

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