Anyone with their belly button peirced?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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i had to take my bar out yesterday as it finally started hurting, it looks bloody awful now without one and so thinking of buying one of those maternity belly bars...just wondered if anyone else had had one? i know you can cut them to the size you want, but i was thinking...if i cut it to the size i want now, wont it get too small soon?? :think:
Hi Leanne,

I bought one off ebay as my gold ones were hurting and I didnt want to lose my piercing as I love it. I bought one that was all plastic as it can be kept in during surgery so if you have to have a c-section etc. When I got it it was massive so I cut it to size and left about half a centimetre for growth. I found though that when you cut it the ball doesnt screw back on well and kept popping off so I now just have it in without the top ball and it is fine, it has started to slip down a bit more now but it never falls out so I just push it back in.

Hope that helps??
I wouldnt bother hun, your belly will just keep getting bigger. You can put your bar back in after the birth, it wont close over (mine didnt) :hug:
i have theres a link to the belly bar retainers on the health and beauty section. but i found with jack even that started hurting after a while and i took it out at about 30 weeks... just after getting an awful stretch mark there :shakehead: . but it went back in fine after birth, so im sure yours would too :)
Iv just taken mine out and left it, one less thing to worry about :)
I bought a mat bar at 23 weeks and it last a couple of weeks before I took it out as it was sticking out and rubbing so the piercing got sore.

I haven't bothered putting anything back in as it looks like it will stay open. Had it done 12 years ago so I should be alright.
I wore maternity bars from ealry on until about 30/32 weeks, then it started hurting and now i jsut thread the bar through every now and then, the hole is still very much open but if i ut a bar in you can see the skin goes white where the bar is and it'd hurt very quickly.

I've also got like brown pigment around my piercing, not sure what it is, maybe stretch marks but its not too pretty tbh
I had my belly button pierced twice before pregnancy - top and bottom. I had a maternity bar in each by the time I was 18 weeks or so. My top one survived pregnancy, but I ended up removing the bottom one at about 28 weeks as it started to hurt and I was worried about it growing out. Unfortunately it healed up straight after, so I haven't got it back in.

I do have a small stretch mark on either side of my top bar though, but they're fading slowly.
I bought some off eBay where i got about 4 maternity bars that are big in length to cut down and 1 the same size as a normal belly bar (they came as a selection i didnt buy them individually), ive had the normal sized maternity 1 in for a few weeks now and its still fine, im going to keep using them if i can and just cut the others down to size when i need to. The balls just pop onto the bars but as i have a few im not bothered if some pop off as i'll just use the others but so far this 1 hasnt popped off once. :D x
I had mine pierced but have taken it out and left it out. My belly looks bare without it but i thought it was time to move on.. :(
I have had a maternity bar in since about 18 weeks or so. I didn't cut it down and it is now rapidly approaching the full capacity - I probably have a couple of mms left. I will take it out when it gets too sore/tight though.
i bought 3 maternity bars from ebay & have been wearing my 1st one since about 18-20 weeks (time i flying so fast i cant remember exactly when). The top bit does stick out making it look like i have on "outie" belly button already but im not bothered. When i cut this one down to size i screwed on a metal ball first to make threads on the plastic bar... then put the plastic bar on & its never been loose at all. Im planning on leaving mine in as long as possible as my belly will look daft without it now :D

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