Anyone with experience of med miscarriage at around 15weeks?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Hi - looking for someone with experience of medical miscarriage around the 15 week mark as I'm going in for mine Tuesday after being told our baby has so many problems and they are so severe that it has no chance of survival.

Would like to know what your experience was like so i can be prepared. Thanks
I'm so sorry for our sad news. My placenta failed at 15 weeks last year but I went for the surgical route as I was to scared to deliver while awake. No advice for you I'm afraid just wanted to offer my sympathies xxx
Hi buggy1 just wanted to say sorry for your loss,

Ive just been through medical route last week I had an early scan at 8 weeks but got told the baby had stopped developing at 6 weeks and last week I would have been 11 weeks when I had the medical route.

I just want to let you know it seems more horrible thinking about it but the nurses reassured me and I had 3 weeks to prepare myself for it which in a way was good but also prob wasn't the best cause I kept thinking about it. PM me if you want cause I know how you will be feeling
Buggy Im really sorry for your loss! I had an earlier mc so no advice im afraid!
I'm so sorry for your loss xxx
I had medical management at 14 weeks, the baby had chromosomal problems and had died at 13 weeks 2 days. I took tablets on the Thursday and went into hospital on the Saturday at 8am. Had pessaries, then tablets under my tongue every 3 hours. Waters broke around 4pm and contractions started, they were quite painful and I had diamorphine which took all the pain away. Unfortunately for me, they had reached the max 24 hour dose by 9pm and still no baby so I had to stay in overnight. My baby was born at 0630 on the Sunday morning, I passed him when I went to the loo :-(
Again unfortunately for me, the placenta retained even after the injection and I ended up having to go to theatre for an ERPC. I was home by 2pm on the Sunday afternoon.
Please remember though, that every woman's experience is different and I'm sorry if my story has been tmi for you.
Thanks for all your comments I appreciate it
Oh buggy, I am sorry.

I'm sorry if my post is too graphic, but when I was preparing myself for delivery the frankness of other ladies on here gave me a warning of what to expect.

I lost my baby at 20 weeks though she had probably passed a couple of weeks before that. I had a medical management as my body obviously was doing nothing. Like scn I had a tablet on the Thursday, and went home, back in as planned on the Saturday where I had the tablets as a pessary, then tablets orally twice in the day. The contractions were painful but I had paracetamol, codeine and tramadol. I delivered my baby at 5.25pm having started off about 1pm. My waters went with a big pop so gave me just enough time to get on to the bed.
I had the injection and everything to deliver the placenta but by about 7 they called a doctor (they gave me every chance to deliver it but it wasn't moving) I had another injection to deliver it but it didn't work. Now the next part was entirely my choice. I was adamant that I didn't want surgery so had gas and air while the doctor removed the placenta. While it wasn't pleasant, and without the gas and air it was very painful, but with gas and air I managed with support. I avoided surgery and got home at 12.30 that night. I didn't look at my baby when I delivered, I felt I would squash her if I tried to look down as I was in a funny position, but the midwives brought her back so I could spend as much time as I needed.
I hope it goes smoothly for you buggy, it's hard enough without added complications. I'm proud of the way I was able to labour and birth my little one. Don't be afraid to ask any questions, I always think forewarned is forearmed. xx
Thanks, I rather people be honest, I have to do it so I'd like to be prepared.

I think I will just see how I feel on the day about seeing him/her.
My best piece of advice was given by one of the SANDS managers, she said whatever you do, don't have any regrets. You'll not get a second chance so do have a cuddle, take some pictures, do everything that you want. xx
Hi Buggy, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you today and I am so sorry you have lost your baby xx
Hi buggy,
I had a medical mc st 23+5 when they've see n at a scan that my son has died.
I was given a tablet on tuesday and had to come back in on Thursday. I was given a second tablet around midday. Went for lunch with my mum at the hospital and around 2pm my contractions started. Adam was born 4.23pm without any troubles.I remember that at first I didn't wsnt to see him. Actually the day they told me he died I wanted a c section as the idea of giving birth to my dead child totally freaked me out.
Later, I was glad I did it this way. After he was born the mw asked if I wanted to see him and I decided I do. After all, he was still my son. He looked perfect in every way. I regretted I didn't have a camera with me but in all honest, that was the last thing on my mind.
My mum however had her mobile phone with her and we took some pictures with that. The mw took him awsy then to clean him up, weigh him and measure him. She dressed him in a little knitted cape and when she came back with him he was laying in a mosesbasket, wesring this litgle green cape. She also gave me a card with his hsnd prints and feet prints, size and weight.
I know this is a long story, but I wanted to try and explain how it was for me. I went home at 1am. All the mw were lovely and they also made sure I am not with other mums who are in labour.
I hope this will ease your mind a little. Sending big hugs buggy. Stay strong
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I had a medical m/c at 14 weeks also. Like scn I took tablets on the Friday and then I had to be at the hosp two days later early morning. I had pessaries and tablets under my tongue. Nothing happened till the second lot of tablets around 2pm then it all happened really fast. Waters and contractions and then within an hour or so I passed baby. I was expecting to be in agony but I managed with paracetemol, it was painful but nothing like I was expecting. Was a lot harder emotionally though. Lukily I passed placenta not long after baby and I was able to leave by 6pm so was in hosp only 10ish hours :) A very hard day was so emotionally hard, made it worse that in the week after that my boobs were all leaky and it just felt so unfair I didn't have my baby. Took a while to feel better but it does get better in time I promise :) big hugs to you. Do you have OH on the day? Xxx
Hello all, I haven't been on for a while. It went ok (I suppose) had the pessaries late because I was wanting to change my mind but I knew I didn't really have another option, I'd just be delaying the inevitable. Anyway only took 2 pessaries and about 5 hours of labour for my son to be born. He was a bit smaller than expected, he obviously wasn't growing as he should have been. I lost 1.5 litres of blood and had to be put to sleep and go to theatre after, stayed in hospital for about 36 hours I think. I saw him the next day as I was a bit loopy from morphine, I gave him a little kiss and a cuddle. The hospital took lots of pictures of him for me and did hand and foot prints. They were very good I have to say and they made an awful situation a little easier.
Thanks for all your responses x
I'm glad you got to spend some time with your little boy and I bet your photographs are precious. Did you name him? X
We did. Having a service and burial for him tomorrow x
I hope it's a peaceful day for you, your family and your wee angel. xx

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