Anyone with a baby around 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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I know there was a few people popped or popping around the same time as me and just wondering how you are all doing with your lo? Are you establishing any kind of feeding or sleep routine as yet?

Ava is feeding every 3.5 to 4 hours at the moment and takes around 4oz each feed. She sleeps/wakes when she wants through the day and this varies.

On a night we bath her every other with her brother. She stays downstairs with us till her 11pm feed then we all go to bed :sleep: She then wakes at 3 ish and its takes an hour to feed/settle her then she wakes at 6.30/7ish for another feed.

How about yous? :D

We are just feeding Riley on demand just now, until (hopefully) he gets into his own wee routine :pray: . He takes about 4oz too, every 3 or so hours, but sometimes 2 hours or so. He seems to be getting very hungry now though, and we are thinking of moving him up to 5oz :shock: . Will ask HV tomorrow.

He just sleeps whenever he isn't pooping, or feeding at the mo. We bring his moses basket to the living room and he lies in that for a wee while before we go to bed :sleep: and when we do, he sleeps in the moses next to our bed. He gets up every 3 hours or so during the night.

They are hard work eh........but SO worth it! :cheer:
Jaida feeds about 3 hours during the day, how much she takes varies everytime. Then at night she feeds at about 8ish, settles at about 9/10 then wakes again between 2 and 4 to feed, then goes back to sleep until between 6.30 and 8.
isla is on 3 hourly feeds and takes between 2-3oz per feed, shes awake tonnes in the day now and is enjoying interaction and tummy time..shes just broken the 7lb mark and has started to wear newborn clothes...shes doing well considering she wasnt supposed to be here until last week!
We feed Aimee on demand. During the day it is random but she usually feeds at 10pm, 3am and then 7am. She takes about 200mls each time, she's a milk monster. Having a few problems getting her to sleep in her basket now so we are going to get the cot built up for her this week and hopefully she'll settle better in there.

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