Anyone who has used maternity belly bar?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Well i have had my belly bar out for a couple of weeks now and ordered some maternity ones which came at the weekend.

I put it in but struggled as the hole seemed to have healed a bit, now its been in 3-4 days now and its sore and red!!

Do you think its like that because it healed a bit and i have to push it through again??
So it wont do no harm then, i will just put up with it and hopefuly it will go down a bit as its still sore!! :(
Thanks hun :D - think i would rather put up with it than have it done again - me and needles don't go well!! :lol:
Hiya - I took my bar out and put a normal hoop in for a while which was fine until the belly button turned into an 'outie' lol! I took that out and after baby was born and my belly went down a bit my normal bar went back in no problem without needing re-piercing, think it had streched a bit thru pregnancy but it didnt heal. Still have my normal one in at the mo and Im 17 weeks now. xx
If it's sore, it may be worth cleaning the holes a couple of times a day with boiled water and seasalt solution, to help it heal more quickly. It can also help it to feel less sore!
Yeah if have sort of re pierced it it will take a while to heal properly :hug:
I put a mat bar in but it was rubbing and a bit sore. Left it out for 2 week and put it in again and it's been fine. I doubt my bellt button is going to pop out though so should be able to wear it until the end now.
How long have you had it pierced? I've had mine 5 years with no problems and found at 32 weeks the hole was red and sore and the balls were really digging in to my skin, i took it out and the soreness went almost immediately, and i can still thread the hole easily, when it was irritated it was harder to get the bar in.

Now if i put a bar in the skin over the top goes white implying the blood flow is restricted so i'm happy to leave it out and put it back when she's here.

I've also notices a piercing i've had out for about a year is hurting too, i never had issues with it when it was in and it'd been healed for years but suddenly its sore, like i've re-pierced it.

AND my tongue bars are very easilt irritated, but theres no way in hell i'm taking them out :shakehead: they hurt!!! I'm not going throuhg piercing them again
god knows how long i have had it peirced lol a loooooooooong time - probs about 8 years or something!!!

the thing is my skin is really weird - it heals up really quickly which is why i didnt like leavin my bar out for the two weeks - i had to kind of re-peirce it so dont fancy taking it out now although its sore and red - im hoping it will settle down in a few days!!

by the way abcd1234 - aint you popped yet girl?? ;) :lol:
~*Leanne*~ said:
by the way abcd1234 - aint you popped yet girl?? ;) :lol:

LOL i wish, she's very snuggly and happy in here :roll: , oh well, a maximum of 10 days now then they'll induce so at least theres a definate end in sight!!

I thought mine would heal over too, i've never had my bar out before, not even over night so was so scared of losing it, plus i had it pierced before (misguided youth lol) and the bloke who did the second piercing said that he probably wouldnt be able to pierce it a third time if it heals over, The maternity bars are good, and i was wearing mine from about 20 weeks, i think as long as you treat it kindly and look after it it should be ok, maybe it's just unhappy or irritated. I keep finding soap in mine now which it cant like!
i just took mine out, because it kept getting irritated. took my nipple piercing out too, to give it time to heal intime for breastfeeding!
Well today its really red and irritated and sore - is there anything i can use (cream wise) to help soothe it?
midna said:
probs wont make a difference hun .. take it out get it done after preggo :) ..time you been through childbirth you be as tough as an ox :lol:

:lol: thanks hon!! :D
same happened with mines during pregnancy :( tried to put maternity bar in and it went red and sore.. took it out to let it close up because it was starting to get really uncomfortable, now i'm left with a red, angry looking scar :(

really hope it fades :(

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