Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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As it says on the tin! Looking for some buddies for the long tww....

Pretty sure I'm 1dpo today. Had some niggly pains since what I think was ov yesterday, but that could be wind:shock:(tmi!)

Come on girls - join me in some good ole symptom spotting!!!

Hey im sposed to be ovulating today so will be joining you in the tww tomoz! Exciting. This is cycle two for me so hoping its more successful than the first. Good luck to you x
Wooo a nice wee bundle of us...hopefully we can busy ourselves so as to not be going mad during the tww x
Yay, thanks for joining me!

2DPO and nothing much to report.... been too busy at work really to notice! This week should fly by (in theory)
I'll join you! I'm pretty sure I'm 2dpo today but I'm also pretty sure we've missed our chance this month. Will just have to see.

:dust: to everyone!! xx
Hey im sposed to be ovulating today so will be joining you in the tww tomoz! Exciting. This is cycle two for me so hoping its more successful than the first. Good luck to you x

Same for me. Fx'd, good luck everyone x
My Husband has stomach flu and I ovulated sometime this morning (Tuesday in OZ). We have not Bd since Sunday. I really hope that's enough, I won't be surprised if we get a neg.
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Well im officially on my tww :) gonna keep checking here for updates and news from you guys. Exciting stuff! X
My Husband has stomach flu and I ovulated sometime this morning (Tuesday in OZ). We have not Bd since Sunday. I really hope that's enough, I won't be surprised if we get a neg.

Remember those critters :sperm: can last up to 5 days!! When I was mooching around the site last year, there was a lady who BD 5 days before ov and got her BFP! And the month before she did SMEP and NOTHING!! :shock:
I'm a little further ahead and 9dpo. Today my sense of smell was very powerful I was shopping and could smell lots of unpleasant things. I have been feeling quite tired for a couple of days.

Fx for us all
My Husband has stomach flu and I ovulated sometime this morning (Tuesday in OZ). We have not Bd since Sunday. I really hope that's enough, I won't be surprised if we get a neg.

Remember those critters :sperm: can last up to 5 days!! When I was mooching around the site last year, there was a lady who BD 5 days before ov and got her BFP! And the month before she did SMEP and NOTHING!! :shock:

That makes me feel so much better! Still think I'm out tho :(

How is everyone today? xx
4dpo and crampy pains. I find this a really common symptom all the time though due to IBS! Have also had some icky sticky cm. Think its probably too early for real symptoms though :)

Anyone else?
Hi ladies can i join you, im 10dpo now and have had no real symptoms than any other month, im pretty sure its not my month but i always have hope. Good luck to everyone.

Michelle. x
How is everyone doing on their 2ww? I am now on 4dpo, just twiddling my thumbs waiting for test day. Anyone got any symptoms or feelings that this month might be the one? X
I started off with a few symptoms but now I don't have any. Fx for us all xx
5dpo here today and nope, no symptoms. I suppose I'm not really symptom spotting this month as I've convinced myself we missed our chance. Kinda wish AF would hurry up so we can get cracking again!
4dpo and crampy pains. I find this a really common symptom all the time though due to IBS! Have also had some icky sticky cm. Think its probably too early for real symptoms though :)

Anyone else?

I'm 4 DPO I had a few cramps at 5am this morning, but...... I could have caught my OH's stomach bug. Oh and i had a build up of CM again but it could be just remnants from Sunday making it's way out maybe:eh:.

Yeah I think it's too early. Having said that last time I was pregnant my breast were on fire 6 dpo and then I was sick as a dog 10dpo and got a BFP that afternoon. I didn't even wait for my FMU.
6DPO today and symptoms all vanished, feel great! That may be because I am now on a 4 day weekend :) Yesterday felt really crappy all day and had sharp L sided pains coming and going. I'll settle for feeling great BFP or not!

Going to make the most of the fact its not raining and get the motorbike out this afternoon!!
Hello all, I'm in my TWW I've had spotting since 9dpo and now 11dpostill a little spotting but only when I wipe and stomach cramps 9dpo- don't kno if AF coming early or what's happening it's driving me mad!!

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