Anyone Using Fertility Monitor?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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Has anybody bought or used a fertility monitor? Has anyone experienced any success with a fertility monitor?

I am considering getting one and am not sure whether to waste the money or not.
Ive just bought one and will let ya know my first month :)
i have been using Clearblue fertility monitor, since november and found out i was pregnant today!!!
it is really easy to use, has a 6 hour time gap to do the test in each day (so if you don't get up at the same time each day like me it made it easier). it highlighted low days, medium and high fertility days which was brilliant in narrowing down the best days to try. i have only one ovary, and the monitor helped me see whether the ovary i have released an egg, or not! would recommend clear blue. you can buy new ones on ebay and the sticks are cheaper online too!
Oh ceris congrats!!!! Yay!! :yay:

Im definitely getting one if no bfp this cycle. Can it tell you def popped the egg as well then? That's my fear - opk detecting LH but actually its being an anovulatory cycle...
ooooh positive results... thats a good sign! I think I may inves. My hubby and I are running away to Marrakech this friday so I will do it next month hopefully! ahhh isnt life a big stress!!!!!
Hi Sunnygirl - it only detects the LH surge and oestrogen levels. It doesn't tell you if the egg has popped out, unfortunately. It is a lot more accurate than the cheapies - especially if your cycles aren't regular.
Hi Sunnygirl - it only detects the LH surge and oestrogen levels. It doesn't tell you if the egg has popped out, unfortunately. It is a lot more accurate than the cheapies - especially if your cycles aren't regular.

I am so going to get one! That's good about the oestregen levels, too. What would that tell you? xx
ooooh positive results... thats a good sign! I think I may inves. My hubby and I are running away to Marrakech this friday so I will do it next month hopefully! ahhh isnt life a big stress!!!!!

Ooh lucky duck a romantic getaway!! Enjoy hun!! xxx
Hi, Sunny - your oestrogen levels rise before the LH surge. This gives you a useful indication that your ovulation date is approaching.
Hey Ceris! That is the best news!:bedjump: Throw some of your :dust: our way!

I toyed with the idea of getting one, and only decided against it cos DH isn't based in UK at the mo. If he gets posted back, I will def get one!

:wave: xx
Im definitely leaning in to getting one as it would be a good idea to know when to BD!
Hi, Sunny - your oestrogen levels rise before the LH surge. This gives you a useful indication that your ovulation date is approaching.

Thanks honey :)
So say the opks didn't work for someone, would that rule out a CBFM, too? Xxx
Hey ladies, Im currently using my fertility monitor for the first time this cycle. Im hoping it does the trick for me. I am on day 19 with it and ive only got highs this cycle so far, although the majority of people say not to look into it to much in the first month, it is so hard not to lol. xx
ooh I really hope it works for you hunny, do you think its worth the money, in terms of the fact that you know when to BD?

keep us updated xxxx
im itching to use mine but I have to wait for Af gggrrrrrrrrrrrr xx

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