Anyone seen any studies???


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
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Hi ladies,i hope its ok to post this here and i apologise in advance if this upsets anyone or unduly worries anyone.
I was wondering if any of you ladies had come across any studies or information with regards that if your bfp is quite late (example 6 days after af due) would there be a higher chance of the pregnancy not being successful?
Its just when i got my bfp late i was very concerned this was not a good sign and as it turned out it wasn't:cry:Of course i understand that you can have an mc no matter when you found out you were pregnant,but are the odds any higher??
I know i will never find out what caused my mc but i truely believe that my bean never stood a chance from the start and so maybe was giving out low homone levels hence the late bfp.xxxx
Hi Daisyboo, I'm sorry I can't offer any advice but didn't want to read and run without posting. I had 2 mcs last year so know how heartbreaking it is. Thinking of you and sending love & hugs xxx
Hi I got my bfp last time at 15 dpo was bfn at 12 dpo I sort of knew it wasn't looking gd as it was a bit ate for implantation and I was right it never stuck and I lost it at 4+4 I think my linning was already starting to come awaynthatsbybit never stuck x
I found out at 16dpo so 2 days late as got bfn on 12 and 14dpo and mine too ended in mc at 4+6 . I knew It was going to end sadly too x
I spotted for a week, I knew as soon as it started I was losing the baby, exactly a week after the spotting started bleeding, I'm still in the process of a m/c. I was given a information pack explaining all the different reasons for a m/c.
They have a web page but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it here?
Chin up, you'll have a rainbow waiting for you.
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I am guessing that the reason for the late BFP is due to hCG levels not being as high as they should be, so yes it sadly can give an indication that all is not well.

However I got BFP's 13/14dpo everytime (I have a 15 day LP) and 3 out of 4 of my pregnancies still ended in miscarriage so you can have "normal" levels of hCG to trigger hpt's but still have a miscarriage.

Sorry, I am not able to be more positive but try to keep the faith and believe that it will happen for you - that goes to each and every poor lady that has suffered a loss.

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I didn't get a bfp until 16dpo last time and I mc at 4w6d. My temp dipped at 12dpo so I think I implanted too late for it to stick. But late implantation can indicate that the cells aren't doing what they should be doing for whatever reason and that all is not right.
Thank you for your replies ladies and i am so sorry for all of your losses.It does seem that maybe a late bfp is not a good sign,but of course there is always execpions to the rule.
I pray we all get our BFP very soon and have a super sticky bean,xxxx

I'm the same as carnat I had very high levels of hcg in my pregnancy in march to may and also had very gd symptoms sickness very sore bbs and very bloated tummy but I still mc at 10 weeks so I've been at both ends if the scale xx
I've had both situations, early bfps and late bfps, all ended in mc, so i think each time round is different. I've seen plenty of late bfps that have gone well for ladies on here though. I don't think there are any studies out there as such, as the science of early testing and pinpointing ovulation is all very flawed, despite us ladies knowing our bodies well.
Mine were both 10DPO and lost at 11wks, so in my case it made no difference x
I was the same as Jojo strong bfp at 9dpo good symptoms but had mmc at 9 weeks (stopped growing at 8.6). It's so frustrating not to know the answers isn't it? :( xx

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