Anyone refused an induction?

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I know I am fair way off yet but was thinking about this after a watching a baby programme the other day.

There was a woman on there who had gone 'overdue' and her midwife didn't like to use that term as each baby is different and will come out when it's good and ready! Now this woman did not want to be induced as her baby was fine, wasn't in any danger so therefore why should it be forced to come out when it wasn't ready.

I like this idea, if my baby if perfectly fine and healthy and I have gone over my due date, would I be under pressure to have an induction?

I want as little intervention as possible to let my body and my baby do what they need to do.

Obviously if my baby was in any sort of distress or danger then of course I would be induced but has anyone ever refused this?

Thanks girlies :D
I have.....and the law states that as long as you don't have any internal examinations they cannot force you to have an induction. I go over due every time (pregnant with baby number 5) by up to two weeks. Castor oil is natural and does twiddling your nipples it broke my waters and set me off....eating pineapple also helps your body do the right thing.As does a bumpy car ride that set me off once too......plenty of natural methods before you have to go down that route. So don't worry
Natural mamma - can I just ask - what's the difference if you have an internal examination? Just curious as to why that changes it?
I refused induction with Evie. At 5 days overdue i went for my sweep and we discussed induction and bri and i had decided that if me and the baby were fine and not in any immediate danger then i didnt want to be induced.
the midwife was almost lost and didnt know what to do, so it obviously wanst a common occurance for her. they were just going to monitor me with readings at the hospital untilt he baby came, but luckily i went into labour the same night with help from my sweep. :D
libs said:
Natural mamma - can I just ask - what's the difference if you have an internal examination? Just curious as to why that changes it?

I would like to know this too, how come?
I wanted a home birth and was very over due they wanted me to go in and have a sweep...but i refused as the midwife said to me in confidence that when you start allowing them to interfere that they scare monger you into further intervention ie breaking of your waters etc that they are not allowed to do at home. When i finally thought i had gone into labour one night i thought right this is it and woke up in the morning with no labour. The midwife came and i told her (this was baby number 4) she did an internal but said that we could not log it unless i was in labour, as if i was not in labour and i had an internal done at home i would have to go to hospital as those are the rules....Once they start interfering and nothing happens it tends to be a roller coaster of intervention in the natural process they put time limits on things like if you haven't begun labour so many days after a sweep YOU HAVE to go and be induced in hospital. They send midwives who are dragons to scare monger you if you refuse. But by law did you know that if they send a midwife when in labour that you do not see eye to eye with that you can request another. Lucky for me i was 5cms dilated when the midwife examined me i around 16days overdue.
Natural mamma said:
Once they start interfering and nothing happens it tends to be a roller coaster of intervention in the natural process they put time limits on things like if you haven't begun labour so many days after a sweep YOU HAVE to go and be induced in hospital.
this is whyi refused induction. however i did have a sweep andtold themif it didnt work i wasnt goin to get induced and they said that was ok as long as i agreed to get monitered every few days (not internals just BP and babys heartrate). :D
It's risk of infection isn't it then I bet. :?

I refused a casearean at about 31 weeks - having contractions and the baby's heart rate was dropping with each contraction, but then recovering. I was going to deliver early (too much amniotic fluid all the way through the preg and basically I was going to pop - my womb was the size of 40 weeks at 31 weeks) I just had a feeling that the baby was fine, he was still v active. I asked them to wait till the morning (this was bout 4 am) When my consultant arrived the next morning, he arranged a scan - as they should have done :roll: which showed the baby squeezing the cord each time I had a contraction...hence the dropping heartrate, but he would let go when it got too bad - so was fine :D

I carried him for about another week and a half, which gave me chance for steroids for his lungs, and I delivered normally with no problems. Sometimes you just know :wink:
Thank you for the info ladies, I really appreciate it :hug:

I am just worried that being a first time mum, I would be pressured into doing something I didn't want to do but I think I will try and be as firm as possible!
We had to turn down 3 MW's suggesting a sweep or induction to us, my waters had broke but nothing was happenig, and we planned a homebirth, we took the opinion that if LO and I were fine, there was no need to interfere.

With regards no internal examination, they cannot do one if your waters have broke, unless you are in established labour, otherwise they have to admit you to hospital because there's the risk of infection, the amount of hours of this risk varies from city to city though :roll: and they'd be liable if they did one and you stayed home. That's why, unfortunately, we were unaware how far along I was in labour as no internal could be done at home as my waters had broke. Hope that made sense :lol:

Hope you don't have this as an issue with your LO, very best wishes :hug:
I was induced at 39 weeks but for medical reasons but want to just add to the anxiety.. It was nice to know tomorrow the whole process will start and helped focus me, made me pack my hospital bag and i think i was much more prepared than if i had just gone into labour.
My daughter was early luckily but i would not have been induced for any reason. I dont understand the whole obsession people seem to have with drinking special tea etc and trying to get themselves into labour from 36/ 37 weeks. I did nothing as all as i beleive that babies will come out when they're good and ready! If the baby hasnt come out yet its cos its not ready!!!!! I think i am in the minority with my opinion tho! :oops:

(PS not trying to annoy people with my opinion) :wink:
really interesting stuff... I haven't got anything to add as I am pregnant with my first!! Our NCT instructor told us we had the right to refuse induction as long as everything else was OK but she never told me about not haivng internal examinations etc...... £120 for the classes and I am learning more from you guys, best not tell me husband! :shock:

(Kelly - with you on that one too to be honest... though knowing how impatient I am I will probably end up trying every old wifes tale going!)
kellysomer said:
My daughter was early luckily but i would not have been induced for any reason. I dont understand the whole obsession people seem to have with drinking special tea etc and trying to get themselves into labour from 36/ 37 weeks. I did nothing as all as i beleive that babies will come out when they're good and ready! If the baby hasnt come out yet its cos its not ready!!!!! I think i am in the minority with my opinion tho! :oops:

(PS not trying to annoy people with my opinion) :wink:

This is a good thread, thanks! I agree with the above though, when baby is ready to come it will come. I love being pregnant and I know
it will get harder but I can't imagine wanting it out early
My daughter was early luckily but i would not have been induced for any reason

Not even for medical reasons? My son was getting sicker all the time he was in me and the longer he stayed in me the sicker any further children I had would be .

I love being pregnant and I know
it will get harder but I can't imagine wanting it out early

by the end of my pregnancy I was so tired of puking every day ( i did through the whole of my pregnancy) and it was painful to walk so couldn't wait to get rid of those symptoms
I had a sweep without my consent she told me she was doing an internal to see how far I was dilated when I was coming up to 39 weeks and did a sweep. She just said Ive given you a sweep, expect your baby within the next 48 hours :eek: . I was absolutely livid and we made a complaint to the hospital about her, apparantly she was a student doctor, not once did she tell me she was a student. :shakehead:

Dont let them force you into anything you are uncomfortable with.
In my opinion...

Induction isnt wrong, its a personal choice for every woman/couple...

Especially if you or baby are suffering or not having a nice time...

I wont be having an long as there is no threat to me or baby and evan if there is i will hang on the most i can..

I really wanna experience the whole waters breaking thing and it all being very exciting...but if thats not the way its meant to go then its not the way its meant to go :moon: :moon:
Minime said:
I had a sweep without my consent she told me she was doing an internal to see how far I was dilated when I was coming up to 39 weeks and did a sweep. She just said Ive given you a sweep, expect your baby within the next 48 hours :eek: . I was absolutely livid and we made a complaint to the hospital about her, apparantly she was a student doctor, not once did she tell me she was a student. :shakehead:

Dont let them force you into anything you are uncomfortable with.

this is appalling! really shocked by that! did the complaint get upheld/ go any further?
Sorry yes, obviously if her life was in danger and she absolutely had to come out then yes i would but not otherwise, sorry my point came across wrong.
topbird said:
Minime said:
I had a sweep without my consent she told me she was doing an internal to see how far I was dilated when I was coming up to 39 weeks and did a sweep. She just said Ive given you a sweep, expect your baby within the next 48 hours :eek: . I was absolutely livid and we made a complaint to the hospital about her, apparantly she was a student doctor, not once did she tell me she was a student. :shakehead:

Dont let them force you into anything you are uncomfortable with.

this is appalling! really shocked by that! did the complaint get upheld/ go any further?

They said it would go on her record, we decided not to take it further. Full post about it here ... highlight=

and here ... highlight=

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