Anyone Planning on Breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Here's a top tip I picked up from my Breastfeeding Peer Suporter training.

You boobies will not be used to being sucked and pulled in the way your baby will when suckling so to help your boobies prepare for breastfeeding you should start to pull your nipple out. Grab your nipple from the base holding it within the areola and gently pull it out, then let it go back but keep hold of it. Keep repeating this as many times as you can in the weeks leading up to your due date.

Also if you are leaking colostrum (or if you can squirt like I seemed to be able to) then squirt some out and rub into your nipple this will also help to harden then up.
i think this is advised against now because ultimately our boobies job is to provide milk for littleuns

any pain you feel is because of incorrect latch or other issues. as i said this is advised against, there is no need to harden up your boobies :)
chelsea said:
i think this is advised against now because ultimately our boobies job is to provide milk for littleuns

any pain you feel is because of incorrect latch or other issues. as i said this is advised against, there is no need to harden up your boobies :)

Can I ask where you got this info from please? I was only learning about this last week.

Also sore nipples can appear when the latch is correct as I experienced this and never had a problem with latching. If you imagine yoru boobies are not used to any sort of suckling so it is inevitable that there will be some sort of pain if all of a sudden you have a baby suckling for great lengths of time day and night.
I just read on the La Leche League website that you dont need to toughen your breasts up by rubbing them with a towel as was once advised but they do recommend massaging them so you get used to handling your breasts.

So maybe I forgot to say in my first post that you are not expected to pull your nipple so its hurting just do it gently so its like you are massaging your nipple and areola.
thats grt advise charlie!!
those first few days can be a bit uncomfortable so getting your nips used to the sensation should do them some good xxxxxx
I will defo try this as my nipples being sore is the reason i have always given up breast feeding in the past.

Mind you my nipples aren't as sensitive during this pregnancy so fingers crossed with a bit of help they will do the job this time round!
That advice sounds a bit odd, especially as nipple stimulation actually can bring on contractions. If you've got a good latch you don't need tough nipples.

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