Anyone overdue?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Just wandering if anyone else is overdue. I was due on the 5th Nov but am still waiting and I am getting fed up now. I am booked in for an induction on the 17th Nov but I really hope I don't have to wait that long and I don't really want to be induced with drugs anyway as I know it can take so long. I have tried curry (which gave me indigestion so bad I thought I was having a heart attack), pineapple, sex and nipple stimulation but nothing has worked. I thought maybe it isn't helping that I am constipated so have been trying to eat lots of wholemeal bread, fruit and drinking water.
Hi Gemz :wave: I am 4 days overdue and have been going mad through boredom. I have stopped answering the phone now - luckily we have caller display so know when it's someone 'just checking if there's any news'. I don't know about you, but I didn't even think about going past my due date, I jokingly said to people bet I go overdue, but I didn't mean it!! Have you had any little signs? Apart from braxtons and what I thought was a bit of a show on Wednesday, not a jot. Have appointment with midwife at 2.
Yes I know what you mean about the phone as If my house phone isn't ringing my mobile is bleeping. My OH is getting fed up with people asking him too. I went to the midwife on 8th Nov and she said that the head is fully engaged but apart from crampy feelings every now and again I have had no signs. I didn't think that I would go overdue either and certainly not this far. Have you got your names sorted out. I did have but I keep changing my mind and it is stressing me out.
You sound more promising than me Gemz - I have just got back from midwife and head is still only 1/5 engaged (same as last week!!). Don't think this little madam has any intentions on coming naturally - hope things get moving for you very soon.

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