Anyone on Clexane and cyclogest after Recurrent miscarriages?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
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I have been prescribed clexane 40 Mg and 800mg of progesterone along with 150mg asprin daily. I basically need to hear some success stories to qualm my fears.
This is my 3rd pregnancy on these drugs and no LO's as of yet.

I do not care what drugs I have to take or how bruised my stomach becomes from the injections I just want my baby to make it!

Anyone else in the same boat?
Hey, I'm on clexane 20mg and asprin 75mg, this is my 3rd pregnancy and first with drugs.

Had all the recurrent mc testing which all came back normal.

All seems to be going normal with this pregnancy. I have had a few scans and having 12w one today infact

How you getting on with the clexane? I have had a few bad bruises think just from clothes rubbing injection site

Wish you the best of luck with this pregnancy

Have they found any reason for your losses?

Hi Nurser 26! how was the scan? all well i hope.
I have had tests, but nothing comes back - I had karyotyping on the last baby which showed a chromosome abnormality, my genetics testing came back clear so it was just 'bad luck'(again)
this is the 3rd time i have taken these meds - albeit this time around the doses are higher - 40 clexane, 800 progesterone and 150 aspirin. My stomach is very bruised! i look like a rotten peach! I dont care though i would take anything to succeed.
At what stage were your previous losses? Its so reassuring to see your at 12 weeks.....
My scan went well thanks!

I had karotyping on my last pregnancy with twins and it came back all normal

It is good in a way your last one came back abnormal as this means there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it, I really hope things work out for you this time

My last losses were both at the 7 week mark so I was convinced I would never get past it but here I am

Keep us updated with how things go

Its nice to speak to someone having the same treatments, I thought I was the only one on pf
Nurser 26 thats amazing news! you got passed the 12 week mark.... im genuinely so happy for you. Its such an anxious time when you have experienced teh pain hurt and losses before - I have been a complete wreck! Im having weekly scans but it really is just a waiting game - one that im desperate to be victorious in!

So how long have they said you will need to stay on the meds for?

Sorry if I'm jumping on the thread. At what point do they count it as recurrent miscarriages? My first pregnancy ended at 12 weeks - no heartbeat and my second ended at 5/6 weeks. At this point are they likely to do any investigations?
So sorry to hear your news frankie. Life is cruel for no reason at times.... but we face challenges so that we can appreciate the successes more xxx
Some places will investigate after 2 others it has to be 3, it also depends on if you have faced any other issues. I have PCOS, when i was married my husband and i had to undergo ICSI treatment (which made me very sick!) My investigations have come out clear - no obvious reasons. I had karyotyping on the last pregnancy and it showed a chromosome abnormality so underwent genetic testing too - that came back fine. Investigations will sometimes show nothing and can make anxiety worse.
Never give up - whilst the heartbreak can be unbearable it also makes you stronger in the end. The range of emotions you feel about yourself, the cards you have been dealt, other people having babies so easily etc are completely natural....
Speak to your GP if he wont refer you - could you consider going private?

xxxx much love xxx
Thanks for getting back to me - I've an appointment on Tuesday afternoon with my GP. I'll ask her about it then. Good luck to you xx
Good luck for your appointment - just put the pressure on. xxx wishing you lots of comfort at your sad time
Keepontrying have you looked into getting some private tests done do immune issues as we had the nhs done twice which found nothing wrong after we had 3 mc and was told just bad luck so xafter another 4 mc I knew something was wrong and it wasn't just bad luck so we decided to get some private tests done at Care fertility in nottingham and we found I had high natural killer cells which was attacking my babys so I was prescribed what you was plus steroids and intralipid drip which dampen down my immune system so it didn't attack my baby I got pregnant for 8th time but unfortunately it was a blighted ovum so after a few months we decided to try again and I'm now in my 2nd trimester with my 9th baby and so far with all these meds things are going good and I'm praying this is my take home baby x
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Sayer82 so sorry to hear of your heart wrenching journey so far, xx i only read about NK cells 2 days ago - im seeing my GP on Monday and getting a referral letter which i will take straight to my local private hospital and have this test done- my fear though is that it could be too late for this one as i will be almost 9 wks by then.

Can I ask at what stages you were for your losses?

Apparently the NHS do not test or support treatment for NK cells as there is little information and stats on it - but i have read lot of success stories on the internet over the last 2 days..... i would take any drug and go to any length to make this pregnancy last!
The 1st 7 mc's all ended around 4-5 weeks and the last one which I had the immune treatment was a blighted ovum which was found at 8 week scan. I only wish I had had the immune tests done much earlier but you just take doctors words they were telling me that it was just bad luck and I was still young and to just keep trying. EVen now nhs doctors are telling me immune treatment doesn't work but I beg to differ this pregnancy proves the treatment is helping I've gone further than I ever have. I would also recommend a book called is your body baby friendly its a great read very informative.
my losses have occurred at 10.5 weeks, 9.5 weeks x2, 8.5 weeks and 7.5 weeks. im currently almost 8.5 (i hope!) and a complete nervous wreck!!! im so anxious and in a state that i have been signed off work for a week and received a letter from the miscarriage clinic (a copy of which has gone to my GP) stating i should be off work till i hit 13 weeks.. so i cpuld stress about baby and now paying my mortgage!

thanks for book recommendation.....***whizzes off to amazon at the speed of light**

I have been off work since the day I found out was suppose to go back this week but I have slightly raised blood pressure and doctor has signed me off for another week and to go back and get bp checked again. I like being off work but getting a bit bored now lol some women with high nk cells do go further. I think some of my losses were due to progesterone problems too as my body attaks this hormone too and we also have a gene alle match too so my body doesn't produce the antibodies to protect little one from attack this happens 1 in every 4 times I get pregnant I think x
Cant believe Ive only just seen this thread.
How Interesting.
So sorry to hear about all the multiple loses for you girls, but you inspire me to be stronger and not give up.
My prob is I am 37 going on 38 and it has taken quite a while to conceive. So if it takes another 9 months to conceive, and I MC again. Im just running out of time.
I have had two MMC in a row, both about 6 wk mark. I am having ERPC tomorrow morn and going to put pressure on for docs to test.
THing is I have a healthy 2 yr old son, with same OH, so Im sure they'll say its just bad luck.
I think i will get a copy of that book, sounds interesting. xxxxxxxx
So sorry to hear your news frankie. Life is cruel for no reason at times.... but we face challenges so that we can appreciate the successes more xxx
Some places will investigate after 2 others it has to be 3, it also depends on if you have faced any other issues. I have PCOS, when i was married my husband and i had to undergo ICSI treatment (which made me very sick!) My investigations have come out clear - no obvious reasons. I had karyotyping on the last pregnancy and it showed a chromosome abnormality so underwent genetic testing too - that came back fine. Investigations will sometimes show nothing and can make anxiety worse.
Never give up - whilst the heartbreak can be unbearable it also makes you stronger in the end. The range of emotions you feel about yourself, the cards you have been dealt, other people having babies so easily etc are completely natural....
Speak to your GP if he wont refer you - could you consider going private?

xxxx much love xxx

Love your positivity Keepon ' the challenges we face , so we can appreciate the successes we have more' is so true.
I am sooooo appreciative and grateful for my son, and also for all the special people in my life , my family and friends, and through our losses the relationship and bond with my OH just deepens and strengthens . xxxx
Hi Corrine.... I also feel like time is running out - im 32 and this has been going on 12 years. Today im struggling and not feeling very positive at all. I cant feel anything in terms of being pregnant so im suspicious its happened again. I hate my womb!!!!
I have called the EPAU and there is no one there to scan me today so have to wait till my next scan on wednesday.
As you say you are so very lucky to have your baby boy and im sure that your a better Mummy because of the challenge you are facing.....
I have ordered a copy of that book, i have spoken with my cousin who works at a fertility centre and she is downloading some advice from him (free of charge whoop!) she has suggested upping my progesterone again so it would be 1200mg a day other than that its really just keeping my fingers crossed.
I send you some understanding comfort for your erpc tomorrow and of course lots of good luck for your next pregnancy. Have you requested karyotyping????? if not then i would highly recommend it. xxxxx
Hi keep, have been reading this thread with interest.
You say you aren't feeling pregnant but I am wondering if this is an unconscious self-preservation thing. You have been through so much, I will pray hard for your scan that everything is fine and you have a healthy and happy result xxxxxxxxxxxx
I had progesterone and aspirin this pregnancy after 3 mc's I am now 24 weeks :)

Baby brain you are right in what you say, I now longer see my pregnancies as a resulting baby (how tragic does that sound!) Its the thing i most want in the world, yet its the thing that continually breaks my heart.
Thanks for the luck - im hoping and praying that this time is my time..... i am so conscious of hurting my new partner (this is his first baby and he is over the moon)


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