Anyone notice people staring...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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When i was in town i caught a few people looking slyly at my it is massive now. Made me feel really self conscious lol anyone else noticed xxx
dont be self conscious at all id be flashing my bump with pride lol. I dont have one as yet :( kind of but not really x
Lol i will when its obvious i'm pregnant and not just fat lol xxx
I think people are fascinated by pregnant women! So if someone is staring, it's probably in a good way :)
A man at my work was perving at my boobs yeterday, the git. I'm going to wait until next time to be sure and I am going to say something to redden his face so he won't do it again!
HAHAH little rose u should.

When i had my son people use to stare but think its cause i was 19 and looked really young lol

Now nearly 6 years on and 25 i still look about 18ish i prob will get stared at but who cares :)xxx
i need to pay more attention because i never notice anything im usually stressed trying to control the kids as im out shopping pmsl
how old are ur other kids midnight?
Ahhh wait until random strangers rub your bump while asking how long you have left!! Then you'll be wishing for stares again :rofl: like someone said, I think people are just fascinated with pregnancy. I used to stare at bumps when I was TTC xx
think when u are pregnant too i do it wondering if people are pregnant or just chubby then thinking wonder how far on they are lol
they are 10 9 6 and 2 the 9 year old is disabled so a bit of an handful when out shopping i normally get stared at because of him and his behaviour but they can get stuffed haha

lol i stare at bumps sometimes and wonder how far they are or if they are pregnant i find myself then looking at the face then if they aint chubby in the face they must be pregnant, as for strangers rubbing bellies they dont like it if you rub them back haha
midnight u must be run off ur feet lol Great to have a big loving family tho x
midnight u must be run off ur feet lol Great to have a big loving family tho x

i think im mentally insane and must of been dropped as a baby hahaha

its not to bad its amazing what you can get use to when i read about him like what he does ect im like omg my childs the devil but he is the way he is its not his fault and me and my hubby can handle him and dont ask for extra help they always say would you like restbite and we are like no why would we want to send him away they suggested after school clubs and ive turned that down because i would only see him properly at weekend because he goes to bed at 6 :(
he looks like any other child only he is really short for his age peopel are shocked when we say he is 9 because his 6 year old sister is the same height everything is delayed on him he has global delay and sever ADHD and possibly mild autism but they cant be sure or not about autism as he has only recently been dignosed with ADHD so they are re assesing him at the end of the school year
yeh lol they proper stare at my giant gut!x
My Hubby and I went out to dinner the other night, and as we were leaving, this little girl was staring at me as if she couldn't believe her eyes! And I mean STARING the entire time as I passed. She probably though I consumed both of our meals :lol: We had a good laugh about it once we got outside
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