Anyone keep lizards?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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I ask because we have two, and since becoming pregnant I no longer have any involvement in their care, my OH does it. There is a salmonella risk from them which my OH is not prepared to let me come into contact with. I did a very quick search online which bought up a site that suggested the lizards are removed from the home during pregnancy and the first 5 years of the child's life! :shock:

I already miss handling them, and doing their feeds etc, am I right to avoid them altogether?
Iv never had them but know a lot of people who have and got rid of them when pregnant it might be the best thing unfortunatly

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I don't have them but my friend did and was told to avoid all contact whilst pregnant and to be very careful with the baby for the first few years, I would avoid contact whilst preggers but surely decent hand hygiene etc afterwards would be fine? Maybe find out from a vets who specialise in reptiles? Sometimes it's all a little bit overkill, good luck xxx
I watched a show one time about someone catching salmonela from lizards and it was only through care of them then not washing you hands and then touching the baby or whatever. Some people say i shouldnt handle my cats but i make sure my hands are clean at all times thats the main thing the doctor says to do around pets but cleaning the trays and tanks probably is a defo nogo! xxxx

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I think getting rid of them is probably going a bit far- they're family after all! But it does sound like OH is right (for a change) and I should leave them to him for now :violin:
Hi iv got terrapins wich also carry salmonella and as you say they are part of the family so I would never give them up ( I have 17 pets in total and wouldn't give any of them up) oh is learning that where I used to do everything for our animals I now will need some help
I have a leopard spotted gecko and a tortoise and have just limited handling them whilst pregnant - just ensure you wash your hands after any contact x
It's nice to see fellow rep enthusiasts on here! We have a bearded dragon- Loki, and a crested gecko- Kora
Im sure if your careful and sensible there is no need to get rid of your pets!? cute names Durham Chance :)
I keep reptiles. I have a Bearded Dragon, Crested Gecko and Brazilian Rainbow Snake (along with lots of exotic creepy crawlies) which I take to schools to run educational animal handling workshops for children.

Reptiles carry Salmonella in their guts to help digest their food. Unless you put your fingers in your mouth whilst handling any feces, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
When keeping any pet, be it a dog or cat, a good hand washing policy needs to be in place to prevent any germs being passed on.
I have a bearded dragon named Pog. When I found out I was pregnant I planned to sell him, but unfortunately I haven't found anyone in my family or friends that want him and haven't gotten round to putting him up for sale properly. I hate the thought of getting rid of him, but as his viv lives on the floor, the thought of baby crawling into his glass scares me. I still look after him, altho I managed to get OH to clean the cat litters out.
Are you not able to raise his viv? We have a cheap coffee table from ikea (£12) that Loki's viv sits on and it's perfect.

It can't be much fun bending down to clean out/feed etc?
i had a beardie which unfortunately got a virus of some sort and died but ive had quite a few reps. they are perfectly safe if you just wash your hands after touching them, same for kids and old ppl.
i've never heard of this. I had chinese water dragons, not when I was pregnant but had them when my daughter was a baby up until about 2 years ago. They were hardly ever out their tank anyway coz they ran about the house crazy.

I think its just if your handling them alot you'd need to be extra careful with hygene cant imagine you'd need to take them out your house

I didn't know anything about this! We have a pet tortoise, I'm not sure if this goes for him too but generally I'm careful and wash my hands after touching him.. Same goes for my house rabbit too!
I don't see why there would be a problem so long as you're doing that and being super hygienic about it :)
Just wear cotton gloves whilst handling them then wash hands immediatly afterwards.

The amount of people that say get rid of your pets as soon as you get pregnant infuriates me, especially as I used to work in an animal shelter where pets were dumped daily due to pregnany when nothing is wrong with the pets at all, from mice to horses. It really stresses the pets out and can give them seperation anxitey and other behaviour issues in future homes!

I feel like slapping everyone that keeps telling me to get rid of my dog and birds.
Common sense is all that's needed and good hygene - even wear dust masks to clean them out if it makes you feel safer.
they're not going anywhere! OH is quite happy to take care of them, and I just get to talk to them :) Our beardie often has a wander around the living room, so he will come close but not touch me.

We move house on 29th and once we've settled we are heading to the rescue centres to rehome a cat.

Love my pets x
I'd love to see some piccies of your dragons :)
If you're hands are covered then surely there is no problem x
I've got a beardie and a leopard gecko :)

It's just basic hygiene. If you handle raw chicken, you wash your hands. If you handle a lizard, you wash your hands xx
I shall gladly oblige!

This is Kora the gecko:

This is Loki the dragon:

xx proud mummy xx

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