Anyone have Gestational Diabetes?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
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I have my glucose tolerance test on Friday and am really scared and worried about it coming back positive. I haven't been this worried since the first scan when I was convinced they'd tell me there was no baby at all :oooo: May I please ask if anyone on here has / had gestational diabetes, and how they cope?
I have my test in oct. My SIL had it with her first (not sure if she has it this time round yet) all that it meant was she had to take insulin tablets for the rest of pregnancy and had to be induced on her due date (my nephew ended up being a week early tho!)
Try not to worry bout it hun!!
I've got my GTT in Oct too. Try not to worry. It's better that they find it if you do have it. Let us know how you get on. My worst fear about this is not being able to drink down the glucose stuff if it's really sickly.
Apparently I just have to drink Lucozade, I don't mind that! Oooh, I just want to get it over and done with :help: Then if I don't have it I can move on, if I do I can accept it and get on with it, you know? I hate waiting. I dunno why I'm so scared, I feel so stupid. Keep crying and having panic attacks over it :cry:
What time is your appointment? Luckily mine starts at 8.30am so I'm straight in when I go. Totally understand why you are nervous etc, fear of the unknown and all that. FX all is ok, I know we generally want to get through this whole pregnancy thing with as few problems as possible.
I had mine a couple of weeks ago and my results came back borderline for GD but they are leaving it at that at the moment. The cut off was 8.5 and my last reading was 8.4. Shes just told me to lay off the sugar and eat more wholewheat stuff. I'm worrying though as baby's abdomen has been on top line for growth at my growth scan so I'm worrying its affecting baby. My next scan isn't until 34 weeks so I'll be only about 4/5 weeks from delivery by then, theyve just left me be!
Im really worried about the glucose stuff. I HATE lucozade and this is ment to be worse, I am a big gagger at the min so will prob be heaving (attractive) Mine is at 9 so hope I dont have to wait too long as might faint from not eating (im hungry now and had toast and chocolate this morning!!)
Good luck on GTT's girls!
Mine is at 8:40, so not too bad. I am a little worried about passing out too, as I get very hungry. Also worried that my baby-brain will mean I forget to not eat, and come downstairs and grab a banana before I remember not to! :)
Do remember to take a sandwich or something with you so you can eat straight away once its done.
I had to have full GTT, glucose wasn't that bad and it does give you some energy, be prepared for the baby to be hyper active though!
Lucozade is mini GTT and if it's normal, they will leave you alone. I know Lulu Laroo had GD and she had to control her sugar levels and was induced at 38 weeks.
My buba is super charged in anycase so should be funny with the glucose stuff!! My SIL said at their hospital they give em a sandwhich before they leave so they have something to eat before they move!!
Not heard of a hospital giving out a sandwich. Pretty sure mine won't so I'm gonna go prepared anyway.
Thankfully there is a Starbucks nearby. Steak and cheese panini never tasted so nice
Yeah I thought it was unlikely but apparently they do!!
I shall be keeping a nosey on this thread. Got my GTT in Nov so ages away but will soon come round. I HATE lucazade too so dreading that part. However I've got a really sweet tooth so doubt I will do well. Let us all know people.x
does everyone need to have the GTT?

In my trust everyone has mini GTT which is the one with lucozade. I *think* if your BMI is high or there is history of diabetes in the family, you have to have a full one.

I had a full one because my fluid is increased
It's normally for people they think are at risk. I am overweight which is why I have to have it. They also go off family history of diabetes etc.
Well I was told it was only because of all the diabetes in my family. You should have been told at first midwife appt I believe. x

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