Anyone had these pains?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi girls,

I am currently 2dpo but since ov it seems my pains have stuck, they come and go and sometimes its asif someone is pressing my left side and then it moves to the middle.

I am not symptom spotting or anything its just I havent had ov pains longer than a day and Ive had this pain about 4 days now..

Anyone had ov type pains for this long before?

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i tended to have a lot of ov/af type pressure pains at ov time and a few days after altho this time wen i got my bfp at around 2 dpo i had af cramps which i never had before :-/,gd luck this cycle xxxx
I will keep that in mind..

I have been noting down what Ive been feeling as I havent ever had cramps by the day of OV so its odd.

Thanks :)
no probs i was more aware of my body the last 2 cycles so i remember every little ache and pain and everything lol xx
oooh good luck, any more symptoms a couple of days further on?
Haha, nope still cramping, its been 5 days in a row now and last night got another +opk at 3dpo so god knows whats going on there...
I've also had cramping since I Ov, I have only ever had this with my two pregnancies.

Good luck hun

Haha, nope still cramping, its been 5 days in a row now and last night got another +opk at 3dpo so god knows whats going on there...

well chica if its + you best bd tonight! or does the smep say other wise?
Its still a plus today. Dark positives and ive still got cramps. I will bd tnigh. CM is lotiony :(

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Oh girl I think you might be more dpo than u think u are! I hope its what I think it is eeeeeeek x

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keep cracking that whip and you bd your little butt off!!
Lmfao, I didnt BD, I havent in 3 days - I fell asleep straight after my last post on here I normally go to bed about 12 every night last night I was in bed for 8 it was ridiculous! I didnt have dinner or anything I came home from work was yawning every two minutes then lay down in my bed as I had a sore head and woke up this morning haha. Was dead awake this morning now Im shattered again.

I still got +opks this morning so thats 3 days of +opk and dont forget I have been having these pains for like 5 days but I only poas two nights ago then yesterday and today so I dont know how long I would have had these +opks if I had tested earlier.

I think there is something wrong with me tbh as I read on POAS that opk wouldnt detect pregnancy earlier than a HPT which when I tested came up negative..

This is like CD23 now and I have still got +opk wtf ?!

Mehhhhhh I will wait till 14th April and if my cycles are late then I will be going to get angus cactus as my cycles were fine and now that I am TTC they have started messing about. The cramping is dying down I can hardly feel it, just now n again but this is technically the 6th day of cramping. 5 days of constant and today its wearing off. I just wish this cycle would hurry up and finish so that I can start temping and possibly have a clue about wtf my body is doing haha.
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ah hun too bad you haven't been bd'ing with all those +opks, but I guess it wouldn't be much fun with the pain you've been having. Hope your cycle gets easier as the days go on....I have been temping, nothing to report in fact i have no clue what I am looking for!!!lol
I know.. Im kinda gutted but do you know what? I have had a hell of a lot going on, if I did ov late no bloody wonder I have been stressed since moving on the phone to everyone trying to get stuff sorted between gas electric plumbing paint rent everything is a nightmare and then work! Rushed off my feet full time. I only had an apple came home fell asleep at 8ish then up next day out again and I am shattered and my pains where quite bad so I just wasnt in the mood and didnt want to force it :( xxxxx

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