Anyone had similar at this stage?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Had an eventful hour or so. The last few days lo has been quieter, but still moving. Have been tempted to call mw a few times tbh.

Anyway, we were leaving supermarket and I got a really sharp pain down right side of bump :( and it wouldn't go away. Was horrible. OH took me home and I called triage. Queue no real reassurance :roll: although I know they probably get calls from first timers like me all the time.

She just told me to take paracetomol (I didn't), have a cuppa and count movements for an hour. So I got a bit tearful worrying. Ok a bit hysterical :blush:

The good thing is he must have known as he moved about 30 times thank god. I've now just got dull cramps. I called her back and she said just to take it easy and as pain not worse, it's a good thing.

Has anyone else had this? I'm just running a bath. I've had diarrhoea every time I've needed a poo, which seems to be out of the blue when I stand up sometimes. Tmi.


I have had the quiet baby that moves as soon as I tell someone he's quiet!! Dunno about the rest I guess trust your instincts! If your worried just turn up!

Yep LO has gone quiet on me. Just about to call someone and then got quite a few squirms. Not had diarrhea but keep thinking I need to poop but then I don't. Had bad cramps and pains 23 & 24 but nothing for past two days except when I was trying to shave my legs this morning.

I have noticed my appetite has diminished past week or so. Prob eating no more than two meals a day.

At this rate Olive you'll be beating me to the delivery room!
Thanks chicky. No pain at all just cramps and a bit of lower back pain. Suppose this part is the norm?? Idk.

I wonder if he was sat on something. It was awful.

It's a bugger because idk what to expect so when I get cramps etc wonder if it's the start of things.


Thanks minge :hug: lol. Idk what to think. I'm so glad he had a good move around. I hate him being quiet. I won't know when I'm in labour :roll:

I hate calling them though. That's the third time I have all pregnancy and every time I've had a cry after. I just think I want a scan each time I worry lol.


Ive been getting pains on and off from 23 weeks. Ive went to hospital and everything has been fine. Although Ive been having pains since lastnight and after eating pineapple today had a few contractions but nothing regular, although Im actually sitting with a pain in my side like a sore stitch at the min. If you get really worried just goto FAU, the baby moving about is a reassuring sign chick :) xxx
I'm keeping a close eye on him but luckily I've got an MW app first thing in the morning. I'll ask her then to make sure. The only time I tried to call a MW was when I was very very constipated and wanted to know what I could take for it :blush:
Thanks ladies. I'm not so worried now as felt him loads.

I called before I was 12 wks about heart palpitations, then about 28 weeks I reckon about colour of discharge. The joys.

Can't wait for him to arrive. I'm feeling a bit anxious atm tbh. Xxx

Yep my LO is determined to frightened the life out of me by being very quiet for a few today!!

Had an awful night, really painful hips/foof and possibly pulled a muscle in my chest, got a mild Lupus flare up too and it's one of those cry at anything/everything days just because!!

Hadn't felt any movement up til about an hour ago when I actually had the phone in my hand and started dialling Medicom - then the little bugger decides to squirm !!!:roll:

My bump has dropped down too.............
Yep my LO is determined to frightened the life out of me by being very quiet for a few today!!

Had an awful night, really painful hips/foof and possibly pulled a muscle in my chest, got a mild Lupus flare up too and it's one of those cry at anything/everything days just because!!

Hadn't felt any movement up til about an hour ago when I actually had the phone in my hand and started dialling Medicom - then the little bugger decides to squirm !!!:roll:

My bump has dropped down too.............

:hug: Cazza. I think I pulled a muscle in my chest xmas eve when sneezing and it was really sore! But went the next day so hopefully it won't last for you.

That sounds good about bump dropping. I'm not sure about mine.

I never had this, if it happens again, don't call just go there and they will put u on a monitor xxx
My little bugger has started kicking after I've had some chocolate orange
My little squiggle started going quiet as soon as i got to full term and I thought maybe he just didnt have the room anymore. But then i ate a whole box of chocolates and he went so active that i got actual bruises appearing on the outside of my tummy!

I think its easy to freak out over these things and easy for a doc to say they are all normal! Its none of it normal for us, its different to anything we have experienced before, but I guess that when it comes to these little personalities inside us, we should expect the unexpected and dont get too upset as it wont help :hug: xxx
:hug: don't know what I'd do without you girls. Can't believe we're nearly there and star you and pinky are overdue. Crazy! Hope you're ok.



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