Anyone had a reading and it was right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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I had a reading in july.
It was a girl i knew from school.

She told me i would get pregnant with my now bf in the next 6 months.
i just nodded, but i knew it was wrong as ten years ago i had an op and was told it would be very hard for me to have more and it was very unlikely.

2 month after seeing the reader i missed a period me thinking it was the menopause lol and i was positive!! My bf also had the snip so how the hell!! weird or what!

So any more spooky stories?
a clairvoyant told me years ago that i was gonna have 2 boys 1st then 2 girls.....ive had me two boys so......ill let you know in 6 months what I
I had a reading about 15 years ago. I was told I'd have two boys and I have(sadly Christopher couldn't stay though) , I don't know where this one has come from. Perhaps it was too far in the future at that time to be able to tell??!! :rotfl:
i had a reading.. told me loads of stuff that has come true.. my ex would lose someone very close to him suddenly.. and he did. i have a little girl (who was 6 weeks at the time) and that i will get merried to someone whos name begins with k lol.(and his name begins with A) so that was wrong..

My daughter used to chatter away to thin air and smile, and giggle all the time.

Anyway.....I walked into the room one day and asked who she was chatting too, she replied....

"I am talking to the angels mummy, cant you see them, they are all around you, and telling me to tell you that they love you"

Also once when she was poorly, she told me she wanted to go home, I told her you are already home sweetie.....she said....

"Home with God mummy he is calling me, I am one of his favorites and he misses me"

I didnt sleep for the rest of that night!!
I had a reading in july.
It was a girl i knew from school.

She told me i would get pregnant with my now bf in the next 6 months.
i just nodded, but i knew it was wrong as ten years ago i had an op and was told it would be very hard for me to have more and it was very unlikely.

2 month after seeing the reader i missed a period me thinking it was the menopause lol and i was positive!! My bf also had the snip so how the hell!! weird or what!

So any more spooky stories?
a clairvoyant told me years ago that i was gonna have 2 boys 1st then 2 girls.....ive had me two boys so......ill let you know in 6 months what I
I had a reading about 15 years ago. I was told I'd have two boys and I have(sadly Christopher couldn't stay though) , I don't know where this one has come from. Perhaps it was too far in the future at that time to be able to tell??!! :rotfl:
i had a reading.. told me loads of stuff that has come true.. my ex would lose someone very close to him suddenly.. and he did. i have a little girl (who was 6 weeks at the time) and that i will get merried to someone whos name begins with k lol.(and his name begins with A) so that was wrong..

My daughter used to chatter away to thin air and smile, and giggle all the time.

Anyway.....I walked into the room one day and asked who she was chatting too, she replied....

"I am talking to the angels mummy, cant you see them, they are all around you, and telling me to tell you that they love you"

Also once when she was poorly, she told me she wanted to go home, I told her you are already home sweetie.....she said....

"Home with God mummy he is calling me, I am one of his favorites and he misses me"

I didnt sleep for the rest of that night!!
jue said:

My daughter used to chatter away to thin air and smile, and giggle all the time.

Anyway.....I walked into the room one day and asked who she was chatting too, she replied....

"I am talking to the angels mummy, cant you see them, they are all around you, and telling me to tell you that they love you"

Also once when she was poorly, she told me she wanted to go home, I told her you are already home sweetie.....she said....

"Home with God mummy he is calling me, I am one of his favorites and he misses me"

I didnt sleep for the rest of that night!!

I think that is lovely. When we had our son Tim, he used to smile at the ceiling and past me all the time, even to the point of chuckling etc. I'd lost a son less than a year before and I used to comfort myself by thinking it was Christopher keepng an eye on him!!
i had a reading when i was about 18 and she told me id go on holiday with a friend i'd not known long in the near future. not long after i met my friend sarah and we went to america. it wasnt that good though, everything else she told me was rubbish.

my mum doesnt believe in anything like that, but years ago they used to run pubs in manchester, and one afternoon a gypsy woman came in asking for a meal, my dad used to turn them away because there was so many, but my mum was on her own and took pity on her so gave her some lunch. this woman out of the blue said to my mum 'you should keep trying for that girl you want, she'll come next'. my mum said she'd always wanted a girl and she'd had 2 terrible pregnancies with both my brothers and decided not to bother trying anymore. she didnt think much else of it and then about a year later my mum got pregnant and had me.
jue said:

Also once when she was poorly, she told me she wanted to go home, I told her you are already home sweetie.....she said....

"Home with God mummy he is calling me, I am one of his favorites and he misses me"

I didnt sleep for the rest of that night!!

My word you must have been so frightened and freaked out xx :hug:
I'll not forget the time my son frightened me half to death one evening as I was parking our car in the underground car park below our apartment block. He was only three at the time and I was trying to get the car into a rather awkward space. Out of the blue he says "mummy be careful you dont hit that woman behind you holding the baby."

I hit the brake suddenly thinking there was a mother and child there but there was absolutely no-one in the car park at all. I then asked my son what she looked like and he said he couldn't understand why i couldnt see her! She was just standing there and had a long blue cloth over her head and long white dress and was smiling at us all the time with the baby in her arms. Boy did I freak out, he'd just described the virgin mary!
When James was younger (I can't remember how old but it was before he'd learnt to talk), he was sat on the sofa crying hysterically and I was knelt down on the floor in front of him trying to find out what was wrong.
Suddenly he reached out behind me and was looking straight past me so I instinctively turned around to see what he was looking at.
I saw a black shape out of the corner of my eye and thought without thinking 'oh, it's you'. Then I realised what happened and was really puzzled, although the figure had no features I recognised it and wasn't at all scared. I think it was my gran. Once I'd seen it James calmed down :shock:
Just remembered something....a couple years ago he said to me one day out of the blue 'mummy, when you were a little girl I saw you wearing a red coat'.
I did have a red coat when I was about 3 that I remember clearly cos I loved it so much. I'd never mentoned it to James though and he hadn't seen any photo's of me as a child.

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