Anyone had a gestational diabetes test?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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And can tell me what it entails?

I know i have to fast from 12 tonight but i was wondering how long i can expect to be at the hospital as I know i have to wait in between blood tests and to drink me drink but i dont know how long and i wondered should i be taking a pile of magazines with me and stuff?

It's generally 2 hours or so they leave you before taking your 2nd lot of bloods so take something to read.

I have to go for a post natal Glucose Tolerance Test next month. Dreading it! So scared my Gestational Diabetes wasn't really Gestational!

Good luck!
thanks hun! Are you at the Womens? Did you have GD then? Did you have to have insulin or anything? How big was your baby in the end?

the reason they think i have it is cos my first son was 10lb 2oz and apparently a big baby is a sign of GD so they want to rule it out.

Did you have any symptoms?

sorry for all the questions and good luck with your follow up appointment!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Haha - yeh, I was at the womens but all my ante-natal care was at Fazakerley.

My GTT came back borderline and I ended up on insulin, being induced and having a section. Molly was only 6lb though so wasn't affected by it. I didn't have any symptoms, only got sent for the GTT because I'm overweight. I honestly don't think I really needed the insulin and all that - I think they were just over cautious with me.
thanks for your answers chick i feel a bit more in the know now!

Really hope it isnt GD as the risk of getting diabetes properly is much higher after having GD so keeping everything crossed!
Are you not having a scan inbetween the test? Thats how they did it when I went for mine and to fit everything in I was running round like a mad woman! No time to read magazines :lol:
they havent said anything to me about a scan.

was it to see how big your baby was?
Jen & Her Men said:
they havent said anything to me about a scan.

was it to see how big your baby was?

Yes initially I had growth scans as my first had been tiny at full term so when they booked GTT they booked a growth scan at the same time (Esme though went against genetics and threatened to be a huge baby :roll: )

Everyone I saw having a GTT had a scan in between the test and I spent alot of time in that hospital being noset :lol: Suppose it will vary hospital hospital
well it will be a bonus if i get a scan cos then i get to see bubs again :cheer: but they never mentioned it.

I will keep my fingers crossed though! :D
i wrote a huge reply to this and its not here...... :wall:
for some reason the thread posted twice hun and yur response was in the other one and i did respond back so thank you
:hug: :hug: :hug:
ive got gestational diabetes again and im on insulin and yes i would take some magazines to read as its the most boring 2 hours to be stuck at a hospital if you want to kow any other questions feel free to ask as this is my second gestational diabetes pregnancy good luck hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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