Anyone got any bribery tips ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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I really really REALLY want a 3d/4d scan but OH says theres no point, everything's fine with the baby and its just an extra cost we can do without :shakehead: not happy, i keep sneaking hints in and reminding him how fab it was to see LO on the scan drinking away but he's not taking the bait so to speak :wall2:

Anyone get any good bribery tips to get him to change his mind :lol:

Lol, id love one done too and everyone keeps telling me the same thing.
Would just love to know what she looks like x
haaaa dollface i actually thought that...hes not getting much atm and i managed to bribe him with that last sunday as i really fancied some crisps n choc from the shop but he wouldnt go for me so i used that bribery technique and it worked hehe, might try that again :whistle:

Loula, thats the reason i wanna have one, so i can see what she looks like and see if theres any resemblance to my DD, i am far too impatient to wait until the birth :lol: but i just thought seen as though its the last child were having it would be nice to experience a 3d/4d scan and have the dvd for when LO grows up, must be so strange seeing yourself in the womb :shock:

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When's your birthday hun? If it's timed right and you ask for that as a birthday pressie surely he can't argue, that's what I'm doing as my birthday's next week :) If not is there a day out or something he would really like to do? Could suggest he has a boys day out and in return you get your scan :) If not just book it and claim baby brain meant you thought he'd said yes - haha xxx
Do you cook the evening meals? If so, just make him sandwiches until he agrees. Of course he 'could' have a hot meal, but its really not necessary as 'everything is fine' with a cold meal and by not using the gas or electric to will avoid extra costs you could do without! LOL!

Not sure it'd work or if he'd be terribly impressed, but I think it makes the point quite nicely :D
haa Taffy my birthday was 3 weeks ago grrr, could have been a good excuse ad i thought about it sooner, i know his sister who lives in london is coming up in march to visit so i may bribe him by saying he can go to the casino to play poker with em if i can have the scan hehe!!

Datdreaming...i think this could be the most tactical bribing technique, what man would say no to sex after all :lol: mya not allow him to have any nookie for a good few weeks and then he will need it and may take the bribe easier muhahahahaha *rubs hands together with an evil grin upon my plotting face* :rofl:

Do you cook the evening meals? If so, just make him sandwiches until he agrees. Of course he 'could' have a hot meal, but its really not necessary as 'everything is fine' with a cold meal and by not using the gas or electric to will avoid extra costs you could do without! LOL!

Not sure it'd work or if he'd be terribly impressed, but I think it makes the point quite nicely :D

He does all the cooking :( he thinks he's better at it than me, which is clearly not true :whistle: x
I once got a holiday just by agreeing to have hanky panky there and then (to be fair it was under a tree in the middle of the night). Sex is a wonderful thing ;)
:rofl: that is could quite possibly work after all (although not under a tree ;) hehe) xx
Is there anything you OH wants to buy? My OH kept saying he wanted to get some tools, so I said well if you have your tools, I'm going to have my 4d scan! It worked - and even though baby wasn't co-operative on the day and we are off for another attempt today, my OH loved the bit we did manage to see of her xx
no, he's quite a simple soul haha! Although i do have a feeling he will be after some new trainers shortly and they dont come bloody cheap...might make a comment about his trainers looking a bit knackered, plant the seed in his mind and then when he mentions gettin new ones i'll mention the scan :D sounds like another plan! xx
Offer near me 60 quid for a 4d one but was only short and a few pictures no dvd x

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thats not bad misscraycooki...near us its £90 with 2 black and white pics and is £30 extra for dvd, so quite pricey, i can see why OH is not keen due to the cost, but i think it will be well worth it :D xx
I don't like them so won't be getting. One much prefer the black and white standard ones if you get decent sonagrapher then you can get some decent shots x

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After seeing LO drinking at our 20 week scan i just really wanna watch her for a bit longer :D it was fab but we only got to see her on the screen for 5 mins max :( and i'm just too eager to see her again x
We can't really afford ours but we thought what if DD grows up and asks why we had one done for DS and not her and how it might make her feel bad so we knew that we have to do one for her too (plus we do really want to, just a bit skint lol) Can't wait, booked for 11 March, just hope she is having a good hair day and give us some good images! I'm 35 and my brother is 33 and my mum still treat us equally and that's what we'll do with our LOs right from now lol xx
Maria, i know what you mean about not been able to afford it really, i'm off to visit dad with my brother this morning so i might use some epic hints hehe!!

Oooh larlybelle good bloody thinking :D may have to kindly ask OH hehe!!


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