Anyone got an Anterior placenta?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi girls

at my first scan on Monday the sonographer said that I have an Anterior placenta and that hopefully it will move as I get bigger as it is currently covering my birth canal.

Has anyone else got this - is it something to worry about? does it prevent feeling baby till later on etc?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
I have a mid anterior placenta. I still feel the kicks!! Sometimes they are really hard and other times they feel a bit softer depending on where the baby is I suppose!
I have an anterior placenta seemingly.. I only found out last week that it was on the front and not the back... I am sure I was told it was on the back. I don't think theres any diference with kicks... I feel everything.. :think: ..

Back when I was around 13 weeks though I had a grade 5 placenta previa (which meant the placenta covered my whole cervix). I did have some bleeding right up until 16 weeks, and at 19 weeks I had a scan which showed my placenta had moved up and was now a grade 1... The last scan I had said it had moved up even further and was only just on the edge of my cervix which was very good news... but they still want to watch me so I have another scan 29th of November to see what's happening.

I couldn't have s*x or even mess around :oops: because any major uterine contractions (which you get when you orgasm) could have caused a bleed, but once the placenta started to move up everything was fine..

If you are one of the unlucky few whos placenta remains put, you will probably need a c section at the end... and they will monitor you really closely. But look on the bright side, you'll get to see your LO more often

But it's still really early days for you and it's likely that the placenta will move... Just don't go doing anything too vigorous (lifting boxes, having lots of s*x). You do need to take it a bit easier than normal. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mine is anterior but nice and high so not near my cervix. I have still been able to feel loads of kicks so don't think it has made that much difference to that aspect

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