Placenta Question


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Hi girls :wave:

Just been looking at my Mat notes and noticed that I have an 'anterior placenta'

Is there anyone else with anterior placenta and does it effect how you feel your baby move?

hiya i have an anterior placenta too.
i'm not sure how much it affects feeling the baby move... but i didn't feel anything at all until week 21/22.
i know a lot of people start to feel tiny movements at about week 18 so it could be the placenta cushioning the kicks :)
didn't know i had before (although i suspected when everyone else started to feel their babies from the outside before me), but sonographer confirmed today that i have an anterior placenta. as long as its out of the way of the cervix, it isn't a problem.

i can feel trog on the inside but it feels muffled. neither OH or I can feel anything from the outside yet.

the sonographer said that was guaranteed to change with time though!

I'm pretty sure that an anterior placenta makes a difference to how much you feel. I didn't feel very much until around 18-20 weeks either, and assumed that because I had an anterior placenta that must be the cause. However, I asked the sonographer this very question on my 20 week scan and she said it was a myth, so that is just her opinion I guess! It took alot longer for my hubby to feel them too, he only just started to feel something since 24 weeks.
i hadn't realised it was a subjective thing between sonographers - mine said today that the placenta was cushioning me from trog's kicks which is why we haven't felt anything from the outside. it seems to make sense - i prefer to think of it that way, rather than just suspecting its cos i'm a bit fat!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
hummm i have a "posterior placenta" could anyone shed any light on what that means?

T xx
Tiggy26 said:
hummm i have a "posterior placenta" could anyone shed any light on what that means?

T xx

i think that means its towards the back?? :think:
it does indeed kimbo :) straight to the top of the class!! :dance: :dance:
thanks girls

I was slightly miffed when I read it in my notes but Il prob think it might be a godsend if it cushions some of babys kicks :)
My sister had an anterior placenta with her 3rd daughter & didn't feel movements until later on than woth both her other 2.
Hi I have an anterior placenta too, but I have been feeling movements since about 15/16 weeks. OH has only felt it once though from the outside last weekend which would make sense if the placenta is cushioning things.
I am so relieved its not over the cervix Im not too worried and I am sure I will start to feel more kicks as Bean gets bigger, she is VERY lively!!
oooo mines anterior , they didnt explain hat it ment , but i guess its why at near 21 week im not having huge kicks and no way on earth hubby can feel him ! yay its not all cos im fat lol
Mine's anterior too and I have been feeling kicks on the inside for about 2 weeks now and OH has felt plenty since Wednesday morning. He even got a kick in the face last night when he was laying down with his ear pressed to my belly listening to the fluid swishing about.

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