Anyone feeling different?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hey Ladies

Well I am currently in my 2ww and I know this is going to sound strange but I feel ... different!! Last month straight after I finished ovulating I got horribly bloated which lasted right up until AF arrive, I had spots I was grumpy all the signs that you would think could mean pregnancy, but this month its the complete opposite, I am not bloated at all, I feel really happy, I have been having occasional tingling sensations in my nipples which is a new thing for me and I am still producing creamy cm ( :shock: sorry tmi) which last month dried up straight after I finished ovulating. I know it could be nothing at all, possibly the after effects of the pill coming out of my system, but something just feels different! :eh:

Is anyone else experiencing different things this month that you haven't had before ?
That sounds good, because I felt quite "different" before I got my BFP.
They say one of the main signs is "feeling pregnant", and I have to say, I think that's definately true!
So Fx for you hun!!!
I don't feel any different at all!

Oh apart from having slightly sore nipples!

TBH I always ignore my body because I used to think every little niggle or twinge was a pregnancy sign but it wasn't! lol Can't really ignore the nipples though coz they feel weird when I brush past something or brush my arms across them etc. I'm telling myself it's nothing though! lol :)

I feel the same as you vicky. Just different, get the odd twinge and all the little ducts on nipples are more obvious. But also just feel calm, serene and pleasently tired. Holding no true hopes though as occording to temps I don't think I've ovulated again. But all the best everyone!
I am trying not to read to much in to it as I know I will be upet if af arrives, but I agree Toni its like a very serene feeling like someone has pumped happy hormones in to me.

Claire you had the extra CM this month - hope you BD last night :)

Heulyn - I have heard of women who just "know" when they are pregnant, I wouldnt say I necessarily feel pregnant I just feel..... different lol
I felt different this month vicky, i felt really calm and relaxed about everything, which is unusual for me and i got my BFP, so ill keep my fingers crossed that this is a really good sign for you too xxx
Thanks NatEvz I hope so. I have been ignoring the funny senstaions I have been feeling in my boobs up till this point as it has been a few days of it now and today it feels like my bra is scratching my nipples and they are a bit itchy and feel hot (sorry tmi) they dont look bigger and the veins arent showing but I think they do look a tad bit darker. I have never had any pains in my boobs before but then I was on the pill for so many years.... I am trying to be very blasé about it all but it has got me wondering!!
I felt different last month, and then the bloody witch turned up 4 days early.
I was gutted as I really thought I was in with a chance,
Just try not to get your hopes up just in case its not the outcome you want,

I have my fingers crossed for you though x x x

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