Anyone experienced a slow leak?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
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Yesterday afternoon I popped to the loo and discovered my knickers were very damp. My panty liner was soaked through, but I hadn't noticed anything had happened. The liquid was completely clear but sweet smelling.

As I was at my friend's she gave me another panty liner (a bigger one) and I went home about half an hour later. That panty liner was then quite damp as well, so I had a wash, changed knickers and put on one of the sanitary towels I've bought for post-birth (nappies much?! lol!)

Anyway I had a very small amount of water after that but then nothing. Do you reckon this could have been my waters going slowly? Nothing else has happened (apart from a clear out yesterday morning) but I had a sweep the day before yesterday.

Thanks guys x
Hey didn't want to read and run Hun but I had the same thing on Friday after my midwife did my sweep and a few hours after I started having tightenings and this water sorry tmi so I left it thinking it was nothing and on Sunday it started to smell like sea salt so I phoned midwife led unit and they told me to go in anyway when they had a look it was my back waters and I was in labour not sure if this is the same Hun but it does sound like what I went though hope this helps Hun best of luck xxx

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Hey bexi..... 2 of my friends now have had this... your waters are like a sweet smell... sometimes your waters can pop and its like a tidal wave but sometimes you get small leaks and bigger leaks yes this is your waters.... Make sure you contact your mw.... When it 1st happened we thought it could be just a watery discharge but its too clear and that smell you havent smelt before.... Please get checked... just incase.... if you start to get the period pain or the dull ache then me thinks your close..... xxxxx
Cheers guys, haven't had anymore since so we shall just have to wait and see! Hopefully something will happen soon! x

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