anyone else's Lo really active?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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i thought they were meant to calm down. lack of space etc lol..

since 28weeks he wont stop wrigglin, and kicking :'( i feel bruised..

32weeks and he's hurtin like this, what when hes even strongeR? xx
I found at the start of tri 3 My Lo went wappy and has only just in the past week calmed down. My DH would stare in disbelief at the turns and kicks I got from her, now she just has a nack of making me incredably comfortable with the least amount of effort!!
Over the past week or so i have had this. Missy hasnt stopped wriggling, kicking, moving glad though because i know she is ok in there, but it does get a bit uncomfortable at times!!

My LO never stops and I feel bruised sometimes, like I'm being beaten up! (suppose I am really!)
Hope your not too uncomfortable hun :hug: :hug:
thanks for the replies girlies.. glad its not just my hyperactive lo then hehe..

I have a hyperactive one too! lol Shes a real wiggle bum recently! And she hurts me too! Im 100% certain that shes going to actually kick through my tum later on as shes so strong now!? hahahah
Mine never stops and when it's having a particularly mad half hour it can become quite painful and unconfortable. just this past week it's started to really press on something inside my foofy and it feels like it's stabbing me with a knife..........I hope I've not got some little gangland hoody in there already armed for knife crime culture :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
No :(
Mines really quiet,and I cant stop worrying :(
Im feeling slight movements, but thats it :( :(
For the last few weeks James hasn't stopped kicking and moving!!!

Today's trick is called "Let's see how many times I can make Mummy rush to the loo!!!". Oh how i laughed (not) when it happened in the middle of shopping in Iceland - needless to say we have now only got half the shopping we need so on Tuesday I'll need to go shopping again!!!

Oh the joys of pregnancy!!

Sarah xxx
Dont wanna make you feel worse hun, but mine never stopped and if anything got even more active towards the very end - including the labour! :talkhand: I think she was just so cramped in there that she was constantly wriggling to try and find some room :wall: Was quite bizarre feeling her move when in labour too, my first baby never did, but Eden was always on the move. Got quite strange after my waters broke and she was really low down, as you could really see the shape of her and exactly what she was doing :shock: It was pretty cool to watch though....really should have taken some photos or videos of it cos theres no more babies for me....wish Id captured some of those strange and special moments to look back on.....O God, think Im gonna cry! :talkhand:
Mine seems to keep turning round rather than actual kicks. I look down at my tummy and its completely out of shape with what i think may well be a limb pushing out.. quite uncomfortable really but it is reassuring having the movements.

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