Anyone else


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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having dizzy spells. Yesterday and today I have been feeling really dizzy and faint. I feel dead tired too. Is anyone else feeling like this.

Here is my 33 week bump. Its getting bigger by the day lol.

I would check with your MW. It's one thing to lose your balance (thanks to the extra LO changing your centre of balance), but I've always been told to tell my MW straight away if I get dizzy spells because it could be blood pressure related. It may well be that you have a deficiency in some vitamin or something, but at least the MW or doctor will be able to sort you out one way or another.
If I stand up quickly after coming out of the bath or shower it makes me feel dizzy and a bit queasy.
i just went to lean on dishwasher to get a fork out.. and totally missjudged where to put my hand.. lol.. n went flying face 1st into the forks.. lucky i realised i was faling n saved myself lol
I felt really dizzy the other day when standing around in the supermarket, waiting for DD to chose some buscuits... I always get it when I stand still for long times... but when I tested my glucose it was like 27mg/dl.... so technically according to the book I was supposed to be passed out cold.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: But the midwife says the same about my bp which is around 75/40... but I usually feel ok. :think: :think:

Try eating something sugary or drink lots of cold water... I find that usually helps but also means that you have a bottle of water permanently strapped to your body
But the midwife says the same about my bp which is around 75/40... but I usually feel ok. :think: :think:
Bloody hell squig, I had a reaction to the spinal when I was having a c section and my bp fell to 60/30 and i ended up in the high dependency unit over night. How are you still standing??
I have an iron deficency and low blood pressure. Not as low as that though lol. I am on iron tablets though. I see my midwife on Thursday will see what she says.

When I was in hospital last week my blood pressure went down to about 80 somthing/34 and I could hardly move. God knows how you are still standing.

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