anyone else put on loads of weight?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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well.. we got married in march which i dieted like crazy for.. got down to a size im bk up to size 18.. only 7 lb lighter than i was before i started dieting.. basically in about 3 months ive put on almost 2 stone.. i feel like such a frump.. i know i will put on and i will get bigger.. but im only 8 weeks pregnant i feel about 20 weeks, although im giving into my cravings.. im not eatting totaly over board, im having 2-3 meals a day.. prehaps i need to stop eatting after 6..

is anyone else the same?

I know exactly what you mean, I got married in May and found out on my honeymoon I was pregnant, it has been a slippy slope since then, I have gained one stone in four weeks, and the baby is the size of a sesame seed so I cant really blame being pregnant (yet), I asked my doctor and she said it will be fine to lose some of it, so starting today im going to eat healthy and do more exercise!!! I dont feel good about myself at the minute and I want to totally enjoy being pregnant.
Take Care
I have no clue how much weight I've put on so far as I weigh myself very infrequently and actually can't remember where the scales are! But I do look VERY bloated atm, so much so that I'm paranoid people are going to start questions before I hit 12 weeks. If I lie at a certain angle on the sofa, I look as if I'm about 3 or 4 months pregnant!

I shouldn't worry too much, it's probably partly because you stopped dieting suddenly and partly water. Drinking lots and lots of water should help to a certain extent, along with gentle exercise and eating sensibly - which I'm sure you're doing already. If you're really worried, though, perhaps a visit to the doc is needed just to put your mind at rest? I'm sure it's fine, though. Just your body readjusting.
I know exactly what you mean. Don't know if it's the pregnancy or because i've stopped smoking but everything just tastes so good! Gonna have to start shifting my bum or summer will be unbearable :(
I don't know if i 've put on any weight yet... I haven't really been eating much due to morning sickness... I feel i've gained though as my jeans feel tighter around the belly area... My husband told me last nite i look like i've lost weight.. but i don't feel it.. if i have thats probably becuz i haven't drank any beer in over 2 weeks LOL
well i quit smoking this year and put on about a stone doing so, i'd just started to lose weight again when i found out i was pergnant in april, then miscarried and fell pregnant again so i've spent about the last 3 months pregnant! minus a couple in between and put on quite a bit but im just gona enjoy it cos i normally always count calories and worry about my weight 2 b honest its a nice break! lol x
yup.. only around my tummy though... have always been a 14/16 depending on which shop i go in but my size 16 jeans are now really tight around my tum! I have been following all the books advice, eating little and often to combat m/s and apart from the odd slip up has been mainly fruit ( although did have a phase of only being able to stomach chocolate milkshake)

There is either 2 of them in there or i am going to have to be really careful
yes yes yes!

I went on a diet before i knew too and lost a stone and a bit, ive put loads of that back on and im not really very far gone at all...

I this rate I wont know weather im showing or just getting fatter :lol:
Im 5 weeks pg and all I can say is that my tummy has ballooned! I look 6 months pg, not 5 weeks lol!

I am hoping its because of the triplets (I wish!) and not the food I have been endulging in recently lol.

I cant wait until my scan on 9 July.. Im just wondering if I am way past 5 weeks if I am this big?

Ah well, I dont mind the weight and I plan to show it off with pride. Its the one time I can look huge and everyone wants to pat my belly, rather than comment on the size of my a**. :lol:
from when i last weighed myself which think was before pregnant ive put on a stone and a couple of pounds, so not much really :)
You will all regret it! I gained 6 st in my firstr pregnancy through grazing and being a pig and literally eating for two! My pregnancy was difficult due to all the excess weight and my birth was hard too.
I lost some of the weight afterwards and with this pregnancy can honestlky say i have been healthier and have watched what i ate without living on rabbit food and seeds and nuts and all that crap! Im now 31 weeks and have gained a stone just, i lose a bit of weight every other week as well whiich is fab and i keep myself busy.

Dont over eat, its just so ungealthy and its not easy to lose and wont fall off like you think it will
Yes! I don't have a scale, but most of my clothes are too tight and you can see a bump. This is my first and I keep reading that you don't usually show until 12-14 weeks! I'm worried people are going to start asking questions too. I've been eating a little bit more, but not that much. DH is convinced there are two in there, but I highly doubt it. I'm hoping it will even out in the next few weeks or so.
Seriously do not eat for two, you will regret it and will cry loads when you cant get vyour asses in your trousers aftera few months!
my trousers already dont fit me.. lol. so its to late for that advise..
I've got a funeral to go on Tuesday, tried on my black skirt this morning - didnt fit :-(...could not get the zipper all the way up... . got to find something to wear now

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