Anyone else like vintage clothes?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I just bought an original 1960's dress from Ebay :D


I paid £10 which sticks in my throat as I prefer to trawl charity shops etc for bargains, but I really liked it.

Be nice with my red lippy for a BBQ.

Anyone else like stinky second-hand clothes? :wink: :lol:
I love 60's stuff- I've just never got the balls to wear it!!!
I get most of my clothes on ebay unless I have vouchers for a shop or there are sales on!

I don't usually wear vintage stuff, but that dress you found is very nice!
all my clothes are vintage as i don't buy clothes very often. i have clothes i had when i was 18 in my wardrobe and i wear them too :lol:
I dont wear vintage myself as im not sure I can carry it off, but I LOVE the look and that dress is lovely :D
Gorgeous! I am a bit of a charity shop lurker myself, much to the amusement of my Gap/Miss 60-shopping friends :D I love 50's clothes, and some Victoriana... my mum bought me one of those lovely big 50's jiving dresses that my nan used to wear.... complete with giant petticoats and corseting- it's meant to "get my confidence back, along with my figure" for after Baby is born
zebrastripes said:
my mum bought me one of those lovely big 50's jiving dresses that my nan used to wear.... complete with giant petticoats and corseting- it's meant to "get my confidence back, along with my figure" for after Baby is born

HOW cool is your mum?? :eek: :D
Vintage clothes are great. You can wear them with modern clothes as well though what I would call modern my youngers sisters would probably call vintage
have you seen the vintage section in the topshop in the bullring???

wow they are stunning.

your dress is lovely, could see you in that looking stunning :D
Minxy said:
zebrastripes said:
my mum bought me one of those lovely big 50's jiving dresses that my nan used to wear.... complete with giant petticoats and corseting- it's meant to "get my confidence back, along with my figure" for after Baby is born

HOW cool is your mum?? :eek: :D

Extremely cool. Especially since I got pregnant, she's been above and beyond the call of duty =]

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