Anyone else had a good week?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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I have had this week off work and had a great time :D

I took Jacob on Monday to the baby clinic and had him weighed, I used to love doing that when I was on maternity leave :D and then some friends we hadn't seen for 2 years came to visit and we showed Jacob off :D on the afternoon we went to look at 70's fancy dress costumes cos we are going to an outdoor party next sat :dance:

On Tuesday, I went to see my sis and went shopping in Newcastle. We took Jacob for his wedding clothes fitting and I tried my bridesmaid dress on. My sis gets married on 12th Aug :dance:

On Wednesday, we had a Jacob day. We took him swimming and round the park to see the animals. At tea-time he had a little hair cut, we have kept his curls though as we love them. I have got a lock of his hair for keepsake :D

Yesterday, DH took me to my beloved Sunderland Football Club and I bought the new top :D It was a pure act of love cos DH is a Boro supporter!! Then on the afternoon we went to SIL and the men tried their suits on for the wedding tomorrow. Jacob looked absolutely gorge and will defo steal the show :D

So has anyone else had a good week?

My weeks been pretty dull tbh

apart from losing 2lb at weight watchers && my mum & Dad gave me £1000
but i'm making it last over 12 weeks :p loaded (in my eyes for nxt 12 weeks)
but on monday my best friend from kent (where i used 2 live) is coming to see me im so FUCKING excited!!!

im going 2 spend lots of money and on tuesday possibly get another tattoo and 100% get piercings galore as they only £5 @ blue banana atm

I cannnot wait :D:D:D
I've had the best week of my life. I found out I'm PG :dance: .
But I live in Gloucester so I've had no water since Sunday, on Monday we had no electric and cos of the water crisis work has shut so I've been off all week and been told that we've either got to owe them the time back or take it as holiday :shock: that's wrong :x
This week iv spent most of my time at work. Went to the gym every day last week and im struggleing to keep my jeans on. Had my hair cut yesterday and it looks fab so id say its been a pretty good week. :hug:
Becksss said:
im going 2 spend lots of money and on tuesday possibly get another tattoo and 100% get piercings galore as they only £5 @ blue banana atm

I love blue banana :cheer: Chickend out of getting a tattoo done though :rotfl:
ive hada nice week. Kids have been off and i love having them around.
Been to a few activity sessions at the library and on our bikes whe the sun was out :lol: - so a quick bike ride LOL

yesterday i took my mum to macarthur glen up the road and today all being well we're going to the coast for the weekend as its forecast quite nice! so ill be ironing and packing today
jenna said:
Becksss said:
im going 2 spend lots of money and on tuesday possibly get another tattoo and 100% get piercings galore as they only £5 @ blue banana atm

I love blue banana :cheer: Chickend out of getting a tattoo done though :rotfl:
ha i know how painful it was yet i want another :shock:
it will b this hopefully above my bum bum to the side on the left so can b seen if my top goes up a bit lol i dnt really want fully visable all the time tatttoos
thats cute, i went to see my sister get hers touched up yesterday. The guy asked if i needed a chair i was going so white :rotfl: he said i could have numbing cream (which is same as a general anesthetic) but im not sure it would help anyway :rotfl: id pass out before i sat down
every thread it turning into a tattoo threa lately :lol: :lol:
:rotfl: numbing cream thats a joke

its just vaseline they tell ppl that it all super powered 2 make them feel better

n i have 2 use bepanthen now they sed oh no u can only use that seeing as i have a jumbo sized sudo crem i never used
so i went n bought that for £2.50
only i reckon i culda used sudo crem now
Had an alright week, not anything amazing though! Worked tuesday and yesterday and back in tomorrow and sunday. Went to the driving range with the hubby and some mates on tuesday night, it was blooming freezing and m hubby was in a mood, loads of fun! Went to a friends on wednesday night and did some shopping and then did more shopping after work yesterday! Wooo my life is fun haha! Oh and monday I went into town and walked straight back out cos it was full of mums and kids! God damn summer holidays haha.

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