Anyone else gained weight on their face??


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I have always had a fairly slim face but now at 29 weeks, my face is starting to gain weight. Is this normal? It is not a huge amount but I just want to know if anyone else has at this stage.

When I had my little girl, it was in the last couple of weeks that I gained weight facially (mostly water I think). Do you think the water comes on at this stage?

My thighs are bigger also but I expected that - but not my face!

Love and double chins!

Julia xxxxx
Sorry to tell u, it will get worse and worse, it is due to water retention, some people get it more than others, but it happens and it's normal. sorry but have a glance at ur nose on the mirror lol it surely is bigger isn't it? LOL sorry i know im terrible , trust me this is alll going to go the moment u give birth. :)
Hi Julia,

Yep I've gained weight on my face too, and a blond fluffy beard I did not want either :? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I seem to have packed on most of the 3 stone I have gained so far during week 26 - 30 and it seems to have slowed right down now - thank goodness as I was not even eating like a hog...... the swelling started in week 30.....

My hands, ankles and face do have a level of water retention making me look like the attractive bloater I see in the bathroom mirror every day......I'm assured by those around me it will go in the weeks following LO's great escape.

Any sudden weight gain/swelling on your face should always be reported to the middy though as I'm sure you are aware from last time round they like to keep a watch on odema as it can be a sign of pre-eclampsia......

In the meantime - chin or should I say chins up (god I'm so funny at 3 am don't ya think!) we will soon have our babies in our arms and our bloaty faces will be insignificant to us!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Cleo xxx
Thanks for your replies!

Yes, after little one decides to vacate his/her temporary accomodation, hopefully my face will slim back to normal (please :pray: ) ...I am glad I am not the only one!!

I am not absolutely huge as everyone keeps telling me (infact everyone is saying how I have not gained any wait!!!!). But I am not happy with me!! Never mind...only 10 weeks to go......

Julia xxxx
Yeh I think a lot of women get that weight on their face! I always think it looks lovely! I can ususally tell people are pregnant by their face ! I think its when your blooming! :D:D:D
(I never got it can you tell!?)
yes definately! more so the first baby than this time but its just another joyful effect of pregnancy! dont worry it will soon disappear after babys born, lets hope so anyway LOL! xx
My hands and feet are much more swollen than my face but there is definitely swelling in my cheeks.

I think it just means that we'll all be weeing like horses for the first week after the birth :lol:
Yes, I have put a lot of weight on my face - I really only notice it when I see photos of myself.
I am swollen all over...I refuse to admit its weight gain - I am hoping if I refuse to accept this then it might not be there when I wake up a day after giving birth? :think:
Thanks for your posts,

Yes - I only notice in photos! I bet once I have had the baby, when I look back at photos of me at this stage, I will think I look really bloated!! I did after I had my little girl!

My father in law took a photo of me just after I had her (great!) and I look HUGE!!!!!!! A couple of weeks later I was back to normal (facially anyway)...

Love and swelling,

Julia xx
I have a bit but nothing in comparison to being on steroids.. the moon face on them is not good. Thinking about it your body does produce more steroids when pregnant (according to my obstetrician) so i wonder if thats a reason why?? who knows.. I'm sure you look lovely hun so try not to worry.. It'll all be worth it in the end! :)

Yep, water retention. It does go down after. I've noticed today that my double chin has gone :dance: and have got back into a pair of jeans I haven't been able to get my fat thighs into since 35 weeks.

Pregnancy is not flattering :lol: .

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