Anyone else finding out babys sex before 20 weesk scan?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Was just wondering? I have booked a 16 week scan in Lincoln to see what my baby is so 1st September - not long to go :dance:

Ive never bothered finding out till 20 week scan, but my hubby missed out on our 12 week scan this time so i booked a private and its an excuse to find out while im there.
i had an extra scan at 16 weeks becuase of some early complications and i found out then :)

What sex are your other children? Are you hoping for a certain sex? :) xx
Did you see quite clearly at 16 weeks what you were having positivity?

rachaellius I wouldnt mind another princess just to even things out as i have 2 sons already and one daughter, and the one daughter has already informed me she wont like me unless its a baby sister bless her :rotfl:

So im under pressure to provide a sister for Imogen, demanding bloomin kids :D

But ifs another boy I honestly dont mind!
I had a private sexing scan at 16 weeks hunny, you can tell :D x x

Aww yeah 2 of each would be lovely :) I love the name Imogen too, it's on my list of names lol x x
Hey I Found Out The Sex Of My Baby At 13 Weeks Plus 4 :)
We Went In Asking Too See If We Could Have A look And The Sonographer Said Its Too Early But At The End She Said The Baby Was In A Great Postion & Showed Me Her Lady Parts Which Was 3 Clear White Lines :)
I go every 2 weeks for scans with them
Being twins! At 16 weeks she said ah thought they were boys but would like to confirm it at the 18 week scan on monday, fingers crossed! X
You can get a 16 week scan on nhs even with no complications to check for deformitys etc everyone is entitled to it, not sure if they will tell you sex tho.
Sorry just checked this and maybe that's not the case my mw offered me one but no complications at all so not sure now.
i wanted to book a scan at 16 weeks to find out, but my next scan is at 22 weeks and happens to be on my birthday so we have decided to wait until then. It's gonna be tough but it's gonna be amazing to find out on my birthday!

Roll on 17th october!
I go tomorrow for mine and I will be 16 weeks exactly. So excited, cant wait. Just hope they can tell us.
Our NHS region has a policy of not telling you - some bright spark sued them for getting it wrong.

Cant quite decide if im willing to pay £75 for a 5-10minute scan to find out. Seems like a lot of money, when all our big stuff will need to be neutral anywas seeing as this is the first.

I'm now struggling to decide if I can wait another 8 weeks 3 days to find out!

I really wanna book a private one and find out in 3 weeks!

I know I will find out on my birthday if I wait, but now sure I can :(
I think I've now talked my DH into an early gender scan!!! The earliest the can do it is 10th Sept wi
which is 3 weeks today!

So excited!!!!
I'm really wanting to find out before hand, as I will have to wait until 4th Oct. Seems ages away. But think I shall save my pennies as I also want a 4d scan so will deffo be having one of those. xx

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