Anyone Due Around Christmas Day/New Years Day?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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Even though my due date is 19th Jan im full term a couple of days after Christmas day and i feel this LO will come early.
Is anyone due around Christmas Day or New Years day?
Do you know what the staff situation is like in hospitals & the delivery suites at this time of year?

*Oh goodness just noticed ive moved up to second to last baby!*
Hiya - i'm due on Xmas Day :D and am very excited (but i bet he wont arrive on the day)
Not sure about the hospital thing but they must have enough staff there.
we have a december baby due list somewhere, check it out :D
Oh how lovely would it be to have a baby on Xmas day :cheer:

Good luck ladies :cheer:
I'm due 8 Jan, but like you think this one could be early - my last was. I really want to avoid Christmas Day, boxing day, New years eve and new years day if I can help it!
Re staffing, they have the same quota as normal - I asked!
Lots of us due around then! Re staffing it will be the same as any other day but I'm hoping the car park will be a bit quieter (less out patients appointments) if we have to go in!! :lol: The midwives seem to love Christmas babies. :hug:
im due on the 3rd of january, although hoping to go sooner than that, woud like to see in new year with new bubs and be able to have a drink!!

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