Anyone breastfeeding through pregnancy?

mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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I'm in a bit of a dilemma as to when to stop feeding my 10m/o. I feel it's time to stop sometimes but it upsets me too much when he's looking for milk! I'd like to hear about any experiences you may have..... :roll:
hi, i cant be of much help as this is my first pregnancy but iv noticed that no one else has replied and thought it might be worth mentioning that if you put this post on the ask a mum section people will probably be able to give you more answers, iv asked a few things on there and thier great!

hope that helps xx

Right first of all breastfeeding through pregnancy is fine!
Just make sure you eat plenty of fruit and beg and keep well hydrated.

Here is a great link on more info aswell as info on tandem if your still feeding then.

I think if you still want to and you both happy doing it, there would be no reason to stop, I think its lovely :hug:
I did breastfeed for a little bit into my pregnancy but my daughter who was 17 months at the start of the pregnancy decided to stop at 20 months, as my milk was slowing down and she just couldn't be bothered with it. I found it fine, though it was satrting to get on my nerves a bit as my nipples were very tender as a result of my pregnancy. However if Seren had wanted to carry on I would have done so gladly as I missed it when she stopped. I would perhaps just take one day at a time as you are undecided, you may find that your oldest one decides to stop or that you are happy to carry on. :D

I breastfed my daughter till she was 13 months, I thought it was going to be a real struggle for us both, but she was completely fine with it, at this stage I was feeding her just at bedtime. Apparently children naturally want to give up between 12 and 18 months so if you take the lead from them, it apparently works quite well. I decided to give up as sometime when feeding my daughter she was quite fidgety and messed around a bit. So I'm guessing she was ready when we stopped. Coincedently the month I stopped feeding her was the month I got pregnant again.
hiya i'm glad you have asked this becasue after this baby is born we are thinking of having another a year later only i plan to bf this one for 2 years, i think it's great that you can bf while being pregs :D

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