anybody who has teenagers/worked in a clothing shop


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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I know not many of you have teenagers - but some of you may have worked in clothing shops and I could do with a few suggestions.

Josh is 13 but takes about an age 15 jeans (long legs but in proportion so his waist is bigger than a 13 year olds) He goes through jeans like no ones buisness as he still has growth spurts (was same height as me about 6 weeks ago - now about 2 inches taller :shock: )
We used to buy in peacocks - he loves their jeans, but hes outgrown their biggest size. We can't afford 3 pairs of Next jeans now my sister has started her maternity leave and we get no discount :D but can't find many shops that do 15 yr old sizes :?
He can't wear the equivalent in mens as the waist is too large and he hates baggy waists. He wears small mens tops.

Where sells 15 yr old sizes?
Matalan is good for jeans hun. Cant help coz DD just has size 8 or 10, she'd have a fit if I bought something with an age on :lol:
matalan - never thought :D
will try there :D
matalan or have you tried George? (asda) :hug:
I don't know if you have them where you are but we get our lads (16 and 18) jeans etc from Officers Club, it's a sort of very young man type store, not a 'dad' shop if that makes sense and prices are always really reasonable, 2 pairs for £15 etc and usually tops buy one get one free or two for a fiver etc.

Other places we've taken them if you don't have Officers Club is Matalan, they moan because they can't have them from Next or similar but while they are growing they have no chance.
how about looking for Next ones on Ebay? You can select the criteria you want to search for including brand, age etc
Our george does his size uniforms and t shirts but nothing else :( I miss getting his clothes from george :wink:
Officers club - we don't have one locally but I think I'll search and see where there is one :D

I'm quite happy to buy from ebay, don't think he'll care but you get v little teenage stuff on there - don't think teenage boys impulse shop so everything bought gets worn :D

Nicola - not a chance on Next :shock: not too bad for a single pair when I have my sister's discount, and we do buy his shoes from the mens dept there as Next used to be the only store which could get v large boys sizes, but with the narrow boys foot instead of men's.
TK Maxx? Primark?

I had the same when my brother was that age (he's 18 now) and I used to buy him clothes for christmas and birthday cos his fashion taste was doing him no favours LOL. When it got too difficult to buy jeans I just bought tops instead :) Though I always found Primark ok if you know the waist size..
our TK Maxx which is huge has no teen boy section.
Neither does our brand new showcase primark :roll:

Like Kimbo said - hope you're all having girls - teen boys are a nightmare to buy for :?

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