Teenagers!!!! Why am i doing this again???


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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Sorry Ladies, but really need to rant. at about 7.30 my daughter (13, nearly 14) came running downstairs saying her boyfriend had 'gone missing' had an argument with his Mum and run out of the house, the police had been called and were out looking for him, and she was going out to look for him.

Against my better judgement, I let her go, mainly because I don't think there would have been much stopping her and secondly because I knew there would be places she could look that the police may not.

At about 9 I rang her and arranged to go find her, she is type one diabetic and hadn't had food or Insulin and didn't have her glucose with her (not sure how I missed her going out without that). Me and OH took her food and Insulin and then drove her a few miles around up lanes, and in to parks looking for him.

Anyway.....earlier in the evening, she'd tried his phone, and it was answered by his Mum (he'd left his phone at home), she explained she was his girlfriend and that one of his friends had contacted her to say he was missing and that she was out looking for him. This woman then proceeded to berate my daughter saying she didn't even know he was going out with her until she'd seen inappropriate photos of them on Facebook (there are two pics of them kissing, I wasn't that happy about them but wouldn't call them inappropriate AND WTF, her son was missing and she was worried about photos on Facebook?)), and didn't even seem that grateful that she was out looking for him! On top of this some of the argument seems to stem from the fact that she wanted him in for the evening at 5 o'clock (he is 14, nearly 15), I think this really annoyed him as my daughter was allowed out until 8 (not her normal time to be in, but it was going to be a late tea and she'd been planning on seeing him tonight for day's, so I gave her an extra half hour or so)

So on the way home as darkness was descending fast and we'd been everywhere we could think in a car, she had a text off their friend saying that one of their other friends had seen him about half hour previously, so someone had tried to ring him and he'd answered his phone!!!

We can only now assume that he is home, Daughter has tried to ring him but his phone is off , sounding like his phone has been taken off him.

His mother knew that my daughter and others were out looking for him, would it really have killed her to let him ring, or ring herself, the people out looking for him to call off the search?? Should a boy of nearly 15 years old (remembering we live in quite a small village) really have to be in at 5 o'clock at the end of term when they are not doing any real work in school??

I am also totally exasperated with teenagers and their dramas, especially in this day of mobile phones. I am sat silently ranting at the boy's mother and wondering why the hell I am doing this all over again....more teenage dramas!!!

Sorry for the rant and thread that means nothing to anyone else Ladies, needed to let off steam, and OH has been through enough tonight!
Honestly I think the mother of that boy was more hassle than the lad going awol (and thankfully ok). Your daughter had her heart in the right place <3

I dread the teen days though :lol:
His mum sounds like a nightmare. Doesn't sound like she's prepared to let him grow up. Unless the 5 o'clock curfew was a punishment for something else?! Who knows. I do think it's a bit inconsiderate of her not to let you know he was home safe and well though. The only thing she'll achieve by trying to hold such a tight leash is to push him away / make him rebel. It's a tough age for him and the last thing he'll want is his mother breathing down his neck like that.

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