Any Success after 2 or more MC in a row?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Hi all,
So I am currently going through my 2nd miscarriage in 6 months. My first was natural and this one has been an mmc.
My partner and I have decided to wait until after Xmas or March-ish next year to try again. We are mostly waiting so we can emotionally heal as these past few months have been devastating for us and we want to connect more again as a couple.

But, all’s I can think of is that I can’t have children. And the what ifs of it happening for a 3rd time. It’s consuming my thoughts and it’s upsetting me so much. I’d LOVE to hear stories of how any of you conceived and went full term after two or more miscarriages in a row!


Sorry about your MCs rainbow, I’ve had a chemical and a blighted ovum this year and currently on my third pregnancy (although I suppose many people wouldn’t count the chemical I still see it as a failed pregnancy) I’m only 6+1 so I don’t know how this will end yet, and I’ve bought a hell of a lot of emotional baggage from the last miscarriage into this pregnancy with me, but I will say that I’ve googled the hell out of your question and there are many many success stories out there of third time lucky, the odds are set at around 25 to 30 % chance of miscarriage for any pregnancy, it’s not unusual for any woman to have one miscarriage and then some people are unfortunately just unlucky twice xx
I’m nowhere near full term yet. But I’m 10+1, and I saw a lovely little heartbeat pumping away at eight weeks. So far, it’s going well after two miscarriages
Hi April, I’m really sorry to hear your going through this! I had 3 early miscarriages in a row in 2015 I was devastated although they were early to get my hopes up then for it to be took away and then think something was wrong with me, I had tests done and everything was fine and I was told as I had a child already it was normal and it would happen after googling everything possibly I self medicated myself with aspirin wether it helped or not i will never know but I knew I had to do something else I was going to loose my mind I went on to have my little boy who will be week! I’m not going to lie it was one of the worst times of my life but I knew it was all I wanted and I kept going I had a period between my third miscarriage and then conceiving with my rainbow baby so wether that helped to as I kept getting pregnant straight away. Hope I have given you some glimmer of hope! Xxx
Hi April, so sorry to hear about your losses. I’ve not got a success story to share with you yet but there have been a few people on this forum who have had two or more losses and gone on to have successful pregnancies. There’s a thread in the long term ttc section and a lovely blog that a lady has shared in the miscarriage and loss thread which is a lovely success story. I know it’s hard to believe it right now but your odds of having a successful pregnancy are higher than having another loss, although it’s a dark and scary time there is hope. We’re all here for you x
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I'm so sorry for your losses.

I had three miscarriages between my son and daughter. Two missed miscarriages and one suspected ectopic. Hubby and I had recurrent miscarriage testing which all came back as normal and thankfully my next pregnancy was successful and I had my daughter.

Until I held my daughter in my arms, I genuinely didn't believe that I'd ever have another baby. I was convinced I'd suffer another loss.

Be kind to yourself and I hope that your next pregnancy brings you your precious baby.

Hi April, I'm so sorry for the heartache you're having this year.

I had three mc's last year, one was a chemical. In October, I became pregnant again and was absolutely petrified and convinced it would go the same way. In fact, 60+ tests I did didn't lie and an early private scan at 6+5 showed a teeny pole with a strong heartbeat. I was then under recurrent miscarriage referral.

I had my beautiful baby boy, Kieran, 8 weeks ago today and he is everything we ever wished and dreamed he would be and more. At almost 40, I really did think it would never happen but here I am...hoping for number 2 quickly before I get too old.

It is really bloody hard, but don't be afraid to just take a casual approach for while rather than avoid conception as one of those eggs might be the one..but it is totally your call as a couple. Xx
Thank you all so much for the replies.
It’s really lovely to hear that you all got some good news. I think at times like these positive stories of similar situations is so helpful.
My boyfriend and I have discussed TTC again and we have come to a decision that as Xmas is coming we will use contraception until then and then afterwards come off it and just see what happens then when we feel ready we will actively try. The thought of actively trying right now is emotionally overwhelming to us both XX
I had 6 over 2 years. Now I have a little girl and a baby boy. :)
Had all the tests and nothing was wrong with me..
Fx for your rainbow x
I am sorry you are going through this. I would advise to check out genetics issues and immunology, and also sperm quality. A few friends of mine were in the same position, one lady conceived without any assistance , and the second one via IVF PGS NGS.

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