Any other 2nd time mums terrified of labour again?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi Everyone :wave:

I've been having panic attacks the last 2 days, I've been getting them when i think about going into labour again. I had a very rough labour with my first, and I am absolutely terrified of going through it again. It really does make me wanna cry - this is one of the reasons I put off having another baby for nearly 7 years. I know it will be a gorgeous bundle of joy at the end, but i'm absolutely crapping myself about it. Duno if its coz I know what to expect?

I've had to stop reading the labour/birth stories as its making me worse!

Anyone else?

It's starting to dawn on me now but I keep pushing it to the back of my mind! I'm scared cos I was lucky with my daughter and had an easy 4 hour labour but as Ill be 15 years older when I give birth than last time I'm worried my body won't be up to it this time!
I just keep putting head in sand and forgetting about it, not much we can do now lol! Going to start doing the hypnobirth CDs soon and planning a chilled home birth with a pool so I'll be far more relaxed than in hospital, I just keep thinking positive thoughts when ever the scary thoughts creep in!
oooh 4 hours is excellent - i'd love to have this one in only 4 hours.

I've been trying to stop thinking about it but it always creeps back in. I think i'd be the same even if a home birth was planned. Its not so much where the birth is gonna be that bothers me, its going through all that again.

I'm hoping that because of all the hassle the last time - this will be a better birth.

i was in labour for 15 and a half hours with my first so hoping this one is a little quicker. i had a straigh forward birth though and am praying for one this time
that said im still really crapping my pants about it all as i know what to expect this time :(
but i also know it wil be worth it in the end
its got to come out one way or the other lol :)
i was in labour for 15 and a half hours with my first so hoping this one is a little quicker. i had a straigh forward birth though and am praying for one this time
that said im still really crapping my pants about it all as i know what to expect this time :(
but i also know it wil be worth it in the end
its got to come out one way or the other lol :)

looool ano thats what I keep thinking!!

I had myself worked into such a state last night I felt like my heart wasn't beating right and was feeling sick/dizzy. I dont know if i'll ever be able to think about birth plans ect (never had one at all with my 1st)

I wasn't this bad with my first - I think i'd convinced myself I would be one of the lucky ones...its only other ppl who have the bad birth stories ect.

Ohhh man at least the one good thing is that we know the procedure, how things should feel ect.

My sister had a very traumatic birth experience with her first child, and she met with her midwife some extra times just to talk through the emotions of giving birth again the second time she was pregnant. They also checked up on her a bit more frequently when the baby was almost due to make sure everything was going well, that the baby wasn't getting too big etc, and when she went into labour they knew about her previous birth so that they could help her any way possible, both physically and mentally/emotionally.

If you are really really worried I suggest you talk to your midwife as well, maybe she can manage to comfort you or make you feel more secure in one way or another?
Thanks for the tip

I might just do that. I'm not worried about baby being too big, as my first was measuring small (was born normal weight tho)

Her heart stopped beating and I was induced and prepped for section, she was born naturally but it was obviously really traumatic, the induction made the labour more painful than it should have been. I was only in labour for under 11 hours but that was full on contractions from the start.

Sounds like a good idea to chat with you mw about your fears so she's aware how worried you are, you could have your OH with you and do the birth plan together, so hes aware of everything as well, once it's done you can put it to the back of you mind for now. There's always an epidural remember as well, there's no medals awarded for going through hours of pain!
Sounds like a good idea to chat with you mw about your fears so she's aware how worried you are, you could have your OH with you and do the birth plan together, so hes aware of everything as well, once it's done you can put it to the back of you mind for now. There's always an epidural remember as well, there's no medals awarded for going through hours of pain!

Yeah i'm defo gonna speak to my midwife. Pretty sure I have my next appointment next week.

Dont really wanna go through the whole epidural thing again, as i've had endless back problems since having one. And didn't think it even took the edge off the pain tbh.

I've been trying to remind myself that its only temporary pain, it wont last forever.


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