Any other 1 yr olds who haven't said 1st word yet?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Because Ella hasn't. I posted about this a while ago but didn't get alot of advice (I don't think I worded it right).

Basically, I'm still eagerly anticipating Ella's 1st word! My Mum gave me a book about baby talk at Christmas, and it says at this point she should have said her first word by now, and should be saying the names of a few things she recognises such as 'Dog.'
She says 'Mama,' but only when she's crying, and I've heard it a few other times but the more I think about it the more I'm convinced it was babbling.

What can I do to encourage her? Her hearing is perfect, I know that. She points to so many things and I always say the name of the thing she's pointing at, as does OH. She knows what to do if we say 'Clap Clap, 'Kiss?' 'Ta,' 'Row Row,' etc. She copies sounds, such as 'Huh,' and clicks her tongue when we do.

Are there any other 1 year olds who haven't said their 1st word? TBH, Ella is the kind of baby who is quiet and just sits and soaks everything up so I'm SURE it's all stored in there somewhere :lol: I'd love any advice on how to encourage her further :)
Gummy doesnt say too much TBH. She says Mama when she is upset and Dada (at most things) Im sure she said dog but it was a once off. I know Ive seen posts on here and kids of 1yr old have a lot bigger vocabularies. She understands things too but just prefers to squeel!
Oliver hasn't said anything yet, not even dada etc. He doesn't really babble either, but he does make noises and has a good understanding of what we say (can point to things in books if we ask him where the dog is, understands 'commands' like go upstairs etc). He also clicks his tongue :)

I have no advice because I'm in the same situation but I'm not worried about it.. I'm sure once he is talking I'll be desperate for him to shut up!
I have been having the same worry and DS is 14 months now.

I think he say's dada and that's about it.

He understands what we are saying to him but he's just not very vocal apart for the odd bit of play time screaming and roaring....oh and the tantrums.
my youngest just turned TWO and he STILL isn't saying anything of any significance!

Both my girls were jabbering away by 15 months!

I sometimes worry, but he does communicate. He has his own words for things, which I recognise, so he is communicating. He says the odd word, but not much at all.

People keep telling me not to worry. Mine is learning two languages after all. I certainly wouldn't be worrying yet if I were you. It all depends on the baby. :hug: :hug:
Wow, thanks for all the replies! It's great to know I'm not the only one worrying :lol: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My friend's two year old girl still isn't talking properly- not a lot anyway. But anther friend's 2 year old girl has adult conversations, it's freaky!! The other month I had had the flue. My friends baby looked up at me from where she was standing and said "Are you feeling better now?" I nearly fell over laughing! :D

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