Any one else REALLY hungry?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Morning lovely ladies!

Is anyone else really hungry, all the time? I am - well not hunger in a rumbling stomach type of what but a massive desire just to eat. I think it curbs my sickness but sometimes I think I could eat my fist.

I've taken to buying carrots and eating them instead as if I carry on at this rate I'll put on loads of weight lol!! :lol:

Has any one else experienced this and will it calm down after tri 1?

Dont know if its an old wives tale, but my friend told me that she was really hungry when she was expecting her daughter and was less hungry when expecting her son - so I wonder if I'm joining team pink! :dance:

Either way I'm happy.
Thus week I've started getting Mega hungry every couple of hours, and I mean LOUD tummy rumbling kind of hungry.

Would be nice if the old wives tale was true!
I go through bouts of hunger, but I never feel satisfied when I eat. I tend to start eating then feel full really quickly, which isn't like me at all. Its so annoying lol. X

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Its mad the way our bodies and eating habits change in a matter of weeks. I'm enjoying it, the whole experience is great, even the morning sickness - although I dont feel it at the time lol!!

Just FXing that I make it to 12 weeks :)
I'm exactly the same as Jay. Get massive pangs if hunger and feel really sick when those pangs come but cab only manage a couple of mouthfulls before feeling full and sick again lol. Seem to fix this by eating a mouthful of something or a piece of fruit every hour or so
I soooo wish I was lol Ive Had no appetite at all and if I force myself to eat I get sick :( Im Missing chocolate and pizza lots x
yes i was always hungry and had a rumbly belly too after id had my dinner, Dont fall into the eating for 2 thing its an old wives tale,
I've been hungry all of the time pretty much! Thing is, I've noticed I can eat small, snacky things by the 1000, but as soon as I have a plate of dinner in front of me, I get really put off and feel a bit nauseous. It's really annoying, but am hoping it will go soon!
I'm not hungry all the time but found i seem to get hungrier quicker and when i am hungry i feel a bit sick with it. I'm only just over 4 weeks though, so i'd not be at all suprised if it was all just in my head at this stage!

I'm hungry all the time and after lunch/dinner I am still hungry! I wake up starving! I think it's normal :) xx
I get a lot of hunger pangs but feel full a lot quicker than usual when I eat. x

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