Any one else feeling like this is never going to end?

Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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I haven't been on much lately. Been a bit fed up with work and all the other hassles that are stopping me enjoying my last couple of months.

Is it just me or do any of you feel like sometimes you are the only one that cares about having your baby? Work is a nightmare as we are short on staff and my boss keeps on and on at me about when I am going to go back. I have no intention frankly if it carries on like this! She has even told me that her husband will look after 'it' for me so I can go back to work. She even said when I have had 'it' I can 'shove it in a corner in a pram and finish off this term' AAGGHHH!!!

I've got loads of other stuff going on and I just want to be left alone to enjoy the fact that I going to have a baby soon.

I feel like I am never going to get there. I am so excited about it, so eager to see my little baby. Will this last trimester ever pass???!!!

Sorry for the rant... I'm sure I cannot be alone.

I invite you all to rant below!!!!!!!! xxxx
I feel like I've been pregnant forever.....and ever....and ever....however when I think that in less than 10 weeks time I will have a baby, I know the time will fly by really!
Are you still sleeping in your swimming cossie?
I felt like that at the end of my pregnancy, it dragged for the last few weeks. Then suddenly I blinked and it was my due date! And now somehow my son is nearly 6 months old and I want time to slow down, he's growing up too quickly.

Big :hug: it won't be long until you're cuddling your newborn :hug:
yes it is also dragging for me too, i am counting down the days, which probably isn't helping, but i've tried to plan something to do each day which is taking my mind off things a bit...until i get the slightest twinge then i get all excited again lol :wall: :rotfl:
I know how you feel... but all i keep telling myself is that whether bosses are being pigs or not you have to think of your health and the baby's too. I am a teacher and the head phoned me 2 days into a 7 day sick note asking me if I'd be back the next day!! :x
She then carried on moaning that she was having to take my class and is falling behind on her own work, that other staff members were covering my class and duties (so I was putting them out too) and she couldn't find any supply. At one point she also commented that "when she was pregnant she rode her bike for miles each day- until she delievered!"
:x :x
But we have to let all this Sh*t go over our heads as it's NOT IMPORTANT
(sorry I've just had a rant too)
annaespana1 said:
and she couldn't find any supply.

Tell her to give me a call...I'm doing supply at the mo and it's LOVELY!!! No planning, marking and I'm home by 4 every day!!!
Just met our HV at the last ante natal class - next time we see her we will have our baby!!! :shock:
When I left work for maternity leave I really thought it had flown by and thought the next 3 weeks were also going to go really fast.

It hasn't. I'm still pregnant, I am getting fed up and I am too fat to do much. I just want my baby out now thank you please!!! :wall:
Hey Kerry honey, keep your chin up wont be long now babe, :hug:
Gis a text if you need to moan or whinge eh?
Its dragging for me too. I wouldn't be at all happy if my boss was pressuring me about going back to work. Its actually against the law for them to pressure you to go back (or even give a date when you plan to go back). Keep your chin up Valley Girl :hug:
No.. the baby is so big that I don't need my swimming gear anymore! Although sleeping in flippers and a snorkle couldn't make me any more uncomfortable!!!

I'm so glad that you are all suffering too! :D Thinking of you all gives me determination to struggle on and win this battle!!!!

Thank you lovely ladies.

Here's to waddling.

(I would like to point out that while trying this I sneezed and a bit of wee came out! I always take the piss out of tena lady ads... surely I don't need them too now.. please god!!!! :oops: )
I also feel like I've been pregnant forever!!!! Sometimes its hard to remember what it was like to be not pregnant. Can't wait for this all to be over now xxxxxxxxxxxx

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