Any July 2017 Mummies?

Finally feeling human again thanks to my new tablets.
Atleast i hope its because of the tablets and has nothing to do with the bleed i had. So nervous for thursday.
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Congratulations lady stark and Emma! :) xx
Glad you're feeling better aurora, fingers crossed for thursday xx

Just need to rant about my shitty doctor! Been slight bleeding again last night and then a bit on and off this morning, managed to get into doctors quite quickly, which is a miracle in itself!
Had a bit of a long wait which didn't help my worry, when I finally got into see him, he looked at me like I was wasting his time, got me to lie on the table so he could feel my stomach, tried to ring epu (no answer) then said "bleeding happens, go to a+e if it gets worse" made me feel like proper shit.

Don't know whether to wait or just go straight to hospital as bleeding has stopped again. Not got any sharp shooting pains, just heavier than normal ache, like I'm going to start a really heavy period.
Why are doctors so inconsistent? He should have tried to get you a scan and rung again untill the epu answered.
I would go up to A&E if your worried or try to see a different doctor if you can .

Really doesn't help when people saying some bleeding is normal that doesn't put your mind at ease.
Although it does seem as their is a few of us that have had bleeding and everything has been ok.
Sorry to hear your doc was useless Harley Sarah, that'd not good at all. Can you ring your local ELY yourself? When I had my bleeding in last pregnancy I phoned the doctor to refer me but they were all in a meeting and nobody was phoning me back, I ended up phoning the EPU myself and first of all they were insisting that they could only see me with GP referral but I completely lost it and started bawling my eyes out down the phone at them telling them I couldn't get through to the GP and I was desperate for help (i actually was sadly having a MC at the time so slightly different situation ), once they realised how upset and desperate I was they took pity on me and told me to go straight up without the GP referral. So hopefully of you ring them and explain you're bleeding and extremely upset, and your GP couldn't get through, they might see you? Good luck lovely x
I'm going to go first thing in morning so my bf can go wit me as he's day off of work.

So annoyed at the doctor for other bits too. He said there was nothing they could do at the doctors for me as they don't have scan machines there, which I understood, so said we'll I wasn't sure if you'd do blood tests or something (to test hcg or progesterone or something) all he said was no point in doing blood test. If you're pregnant then you're pregnant.

So angry!!!! Xxx
HarleySarah sorry to hear about your rude doctor.

This is my second pregnancy (my last one i sadly had to terminate at 13 weeks as the skull hadn't formed and the brain was herniating)
I then had an operation to remove my left ovary as my endrometriosis formed a cyst on my left ovary which caused it to rupture.

At about 4 weeks i had on and off spotting (brown) but after a week i had a large rush of red blood (was watery consistency and no clots)
I had quite painful cramps for about an hour or two.
I was convinced id had a MC.
My fertility clinic said add long as the bleeding stops, isn't enough to fill a pad (in an hour) and there are no clots. Don't panic. They told me it takes a week for the hormones to go after a MC and i did another test a week after bleeding stopped.

Luckily my scan was the other day and there was a HB.
Just panicking now over the 12 week scan as that's when we found the bad news last time.
The hospital has offered me weekly scans this time to make me feel better!

Took me and my husband 6 years to get this far, so glad we started the process when we were young (I'm 26 now)
Fingers crossed for everyone xx
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Has anyone read up on black mold? We live in military houses and it's everywhere, all over my sons old bedroom window which are wood and single pane it's in his new room our room downstairs etc, I've read up on it and it can be very harmful to children and pregnant women so I ended up calling the housing line at 11pm crying because my sons been in that room for from age 7 months he's 15 months and always come up in a blotchy rash and I've had a respatory infection before so I know hormones play a part but this is bad and they said they can and quote wipe it away with bleach....not happy xx
You may need a dehumidifier. And keep windows open. It's usually down to damp. The biggest cause of which is lack of air circulation especially near windows. You can get hygrometer that monitors the humidity (it should be fluctuating between 40+60) above 70% is bad for health as is below 30%. If you do have lots of black mold use spray bleach to remove it then let the room vent well. Don't place furniture against the walls that are affected by it leave a gap so air can circulate. And maybe invest in a purifyer with a fan to help trap and remove mold spores and keep air moving. (Look at how small the particles are that it removes some only go down to 0.3 microns others 0.1 the smaller the better)

If it's on an internal wall. Especially one that's near a kitchen utility or bathroom you may have a leak that needs fixing.
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My old house was covered in black mould. We all got very ill over the 3 years we lived there.

I was in sever pain in my chest and coughing up blood, was actually being tested for lung cancer as it was really bad.

My son who was 6 nonths when we moved in had lots of chest infections and always had a cough all year round.
My oh also suffered with chest infections because if it.

We used demestos mould and mildew remover which is £3.50
Its brilliant stuff just spray it on and leave it. Does smell really strong though and doesn't fix the problem it only gets rid of the surface mould.

We moved 2 years ago now and our new house has no issues and our health has improved so much we hardly ever get ill now.
Also if you have a tumble dryer make sure the condenser isn't blocked or full if it's vented make sure it's sealed in right. Can't tell you how many issues I've seen caused by tumble dryers.
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Thanks ladies, it's because it's military housing, we aren't supposed to touch it at all I let the room ventilate a fair bit tbh the windows are open almost daily around the house but it does bother me because well I've had pneumonia and my lung is now scarred and I can easily get it again :( also my poor son has been sleeping in there and been really unwell I'm more annoyed as a surveyor came out and checked for a draft and she told me to just wipe it off and well it's black mold which I really shouldn't be around xx
If your not allowed to touch it then I'd just get a dehumidifier that's going to help loads x
Aw no violet what a nightmare! Can you complain in writing and maybe get a doctor's note to say how it's affecting your son's health and request to be moved to a different property? You don't need this stress do you :( the girls tips are good. Our old house had damp and all my clothes used to go mouldy in the wardrobe it was horrible and that was without health issues so I can only imagine how stressed you must be xx

9+3 here today and don't feel at all pregnant I'm starting to think I've imagined the whole thing! The only reassuring symptom I have is a real bump going on, I can't fasten any of my work skirts, I've had to resort to leaving the buttons undone and also fastening a cardi over my tops to hide the belly! So that's making me feel a bit more reassured. I just can't understand why I'm not tired at all when I was exhausted with my 2 boys! Anyone else not tired?xx
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Violet that was the advice we was given about keeping windows open it didnt help. On our contract it said we was never to go in the loft and there was padlocks on their so we suspected there was an issue with that. Turns out there was dry rot and nothing we could have done would stop the mold.

My trousers are too big. Thanks to being so sick for the last 4 weeks i have actually lost weight (i'm sure i will regain it now i can eat)
Hope you get it sorted violet!

Went into a+e this morning and that gp was loads nicer, he's got me booked into epu tomorrow moring and with them saying to go in with a full bladder I'm assuming I'll be getting a scan. Fingers crossed everything's ok! Just gutted my bf can't get out of work to come with me xx
Good luck tomorrow Harleysarah.
What time is your scan? Mine is at 9.15.

I was told mine would be internal as im 9+3 and they wont be able to see alot with a tummy scan just yet. So was told to have an empty bladder.
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8:15 am, I'm a cranky morning person ���� I assumed it'd be internal too as I'm only 8+1, so was qite surprised when they said to have a full bladder.
Good luck with yours aurora :) xx
Maybe they will try a tummy scan first for you. Will be nicer than an internal one.
I'm only 6+6 and they didn't do an internal one for me. You could even make out a rough shape of a baby :-)

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