Last wednesday I had an appointment with doctor and then followed by an appointment with midwife which showed I had protiene in my urine and slightly but not alarming high blood pressure. She took a sample of my urine and sent it off for testing incase of thrush or some other infection causing the protine. I was told to phone back today which I have done and if it was an infection like thrush ect then the doctor would simply write me out a prescription for collection. Anyway I phoned today after getting back from funeral of step brother to be told yes results are in but the doctor wants to speak to me and nothing else was said, I asked what was wrong but they wouldnt tell me over the phone and i've got to wait for Monday now so a weekend of worry for me, thanks medical staff lol. So have any of you girls had anything like this and if so what could it possibly be????? Baby is fine cause he/she been kicking and hb and length of baby showed fine when mw checked on wednesday so what could it be.