Any help with benefits?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2010
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I dont know where start lol.

Ive had a look on the internet and i just cant find what im looking for.

I already recieve CTC and CB. OH gets WTC and we get housing benefit and some council tax paid but where do i start for this little one?

I dont work as im at college and i know i will get a little more CTC but will i get more help with rent? And is a 2 bed terrace really big enough for 4 of us?

Aghhhh lol so confused now hehe xx
It is all really confusing, I thought I was entitled to basically nothing but I found out about tax credits and am entitled to £3700 a year once baby is born! Madness! I just looked on and read all the benefits section (I work full time and will be on maternity pay so believe I should claim for what I'm entitled to as I pay tax) and found quite a lot out! X
Hi Archies mummy!
In terms of housing, are you in council housing? And what are your childrens genders?
Right, its all a bit long winded, but
Are you a full time student?
Do you get any funding from college?
Okay, so for CB you have to fill in the form and send off the birth cert, for CTC, all you have to do is phone them and give them a few phne details and they will edit your claim and give you the extra money - lol they require no proof so you could say you had 10!
Hi Leanne
Im in private rent and we have one boy and baby is not here yet. Our house is no where near big enough to house 4 of us lol.
Im not full time no as we cannot afford child care if i was lol. I had help with the course costs but thats all.

I think i may just ring job centre as they usually know what im entitled to lol or ask my friend who is very "on the ball" with this stuff.

Thanks guys xx
Tell me about it, theres 4 of us in a 2 bed flat, very cramped! In terms of housing, it depends, for example, if you have another boy, chances are housing benefit will say, well you only need a two bedroom, so we will only pay what a two beds costs etc. If you have a girl, then you would be entitled to a three bed, when your son turns 5.
We're screwed at the moment, our daughter is nearly 4, so until next november, we're not entitled to bigger housing (though I am in council) - despite the fact that we have a double and a single, so when our son is about 6 mths, him and our daughter will have our room, and me and my partner will have to move into the single, which LITERALLY just will fit out bed, nothing else, and on each side of the bed will be the wall. Cant wait! lol.
Tell HB when you have another, but not sure if they will help you anymore because of the LO.
sorry to hi-jack!! but i hav a 6 year old girl if i have boy with this baby will i be intitled to move??

and your answer to benifits hun u will get a extra 10 - 15 in cb and a extra 55 for new baby which will go down when new baby turns 1 you get extra for a child under one xxx
Hi LouLou.
Are you in council? Yeah - by law, its if a child is ten or over - but check your local council as the majority of councils understand that this isnt really suitable, and changed it to over 5 yrs old, like mine. thank god!
omg really? if i have a boy i really do need to move tbh!!

and archiesmummy, go to google and type in child tax calculator and go through that and it will tel u whatthe diffrence shud be :-)
LouLou i did that but it never asked about being pregnant etc so is suppose i will just ring them lol its so much easier haha xx
R u full time at college? I only found out today (now my course is finished) that I couldve been exempt from council tax cos I was a student,council r sendin me a form out to see if I qualified and il get the money rebated if I am. It might b worth ringing ur c tax office x
yep i just found out i am entitled to a tax rebate as i was on an apprenticeship! just gotta fill out a form and i should get it by april apparently x
Im not in full time no but will give them a call tomorrow to see what they say. Cheers :) xx

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