Any advice to getting from breast to bottle?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
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I've decided that I want to try feeding my baby a bottle of expressed milk so that the OH can help and to take a bit of pressure off me exclusively breastfeeding.

Does any one have any advice on this process?
I was told to always offer breast first then slip the bottle teat in!

I see you're from wycombe...I was there last night!
I'm just going to keep trying everyday!

Are you from nearby?
We tried for first time yesterday evening. Mixed reviews! She took about half a fl oz but she didn't seem happy about it and was back to boob soon after. She cried a lot when trying bottle, would have a little suck then cry again and again and lots dribbling out too :s

So would also be interested in any tips!
Following for tips! I've been expressing once a day and freezing for future.I'm a little worried though as my LO won't even take a dummy. He is only 2 1/2 weeks old though!
Gabriella is 9 weeks and still don't take a dummy! I think as its so different to a nipple she just doesn't like it
Yeah Luca just pushes it out with his tongue :( I'll keep trying!
Also having this issue, glad to know I wasn't doing something wrong as thought all the dribbling was down to me force feeding him the formula//that the teat was delivering too much for him to handle.

Will keep trying and let you know how it goes.

I'm not far from High Wycombe :)

A great dummy tip is to try popping it in the mouth then lightly tapping it. Sounds daft but really works (not every time but like, 3-4/5 times). Just quick little two-finger "drumming" taps.

As for getting LO onto a bottle, you need to be WAY out the way. Like, out the house out of the way. LO will smell you and your milk and clamour for that if you're anywhere in the building. They can smell FAR.
Get dad or grandparent/friend/whoever to offer the bottle.
Hold LO the same way (as much as possible) as you hold them to breastfeed so they still feel secure.
Offer the bottle an hour or so after a breastfeed. Waiting until they're starving and trying to force it on them will only stress them out.
If they refuse it, don't push. Try again after the next feed, and so on.
Cross fingers and pray xx

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