Anxious first timer!


Mar 8, 2019
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Hi everyone, I just found out on Tuesday that I’m almost 5 weeks pregnant, and I’m so anxious that something is going to go wrong :( anyone else feel like this? I’m having to resist the temptation to do pregnancy tests everyday just to check I’m still pregnant! Thanks :)
I think it's normal, im not even 4 weeks but i have taken atleast 1 test every day this week and i have rang to see when I can get a reassurance scan (6 weeks) and i have bloods back on Monday too to check hcg rising. it's an anxious time for sure xx
I think it's normal, im not even 4 weeks but i have taken atleast 1 test every day this week and i have rang to see when I can get a reassurance scan (6 weeks) and i have bloods back on Monday too to check hcg rising. it's an anxious time for sure xx
So glad it’s not just me! Feel like I’m going to drive myself crazy! Congratulations ☺️
I'm the same its all im thinking off atm :? but hopefully our heads will settle xx
I'm right there with you! Nothing made me feel better and with my history of miscarriage I lost it and called in for an early scan after some spotting. It helped for a few days, but now I'm right back to worrying until the next scan. Try and find a good show to binge watch and focus on eating healthy while your appetite lets you! I've just gotten into the nausea phase and all food is just awful now.
I was exactly the same! I got my BFP on the 28/01 and only just had my first midwife appointment last week. It's such a long time to wait until your first appointment and scan but once you have seen your midwife, they will give you the reassurance you need and you can tell them all your worries :) My midwife said 'mother nature has done this millions of times' and that has kinda stuck with me. I'm going to try and not worry unless i have a reason to worry (easier said than done at times)

I did have an early scan last week (i had the tiniest amount of bleeding plus a persistent migraine, neck pain and loss of symptoms) and it has really put my mind at ease.

Like emcayo said, try and find a good show to watch. Iv'e been binging on Gossip Girl on Netflix :lol:
I'm right there with you! Nothing made me feel better and with my history of miscarriage I lost it and called in for an early scan after some spotting. It helped for a few days, but now I'm right back to worrying until the next scan. Try and find a good show to binge watch and focus on eating healthy while your appetite lets you! I've just gotten into the nausea phase and all food is just awful now.
Thank you, it’s so nice to know I’m not the only one worrying! I know it’s only natural to worry and I’m trying to think a bit more logically about it all now! Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope the nausea passes soon! I’ve not got to that stage yet
I was exactly the same! I got my BFP on the 28/01 and only just had my first midwife appointment last week. It's such a long time to wait until your first appointment and scan but once you have seen your midwife, they will give you the reassurance you need and you can tell them all your worries :) My midwife said 'mother nature has done this millions of times' and that has kinda stuck with me. I'm going to try and not worry unless i have a reason to worry (easier said than done at times)

I did have an early scan last week (i had the tiniest amount of bleeding plus a persistent migraine, neck pain and loss of symptoms) and it has really put my mind at ease.

Like emcayo said, try and find a good show to watch. Iv'e been binging on Gossip Girl on Netflix :lol:
Thank you! I’m definitely feeling calmer now than I was :) I’m also trying not to worry unless something changes! Hope everything is going well with your pregnancy and you’re feeling okay!
hey girls! I can join the craziness too! since we found out on the 9th of march I must have done about 12 tests lol we have a 7 week scan on the 1st of april (as this was a IVF round we get that included which will put my mind at rest) so im just on count down until I see this little bean!!!!
hey girls! I can join the craziness too! since we found out on the 9th of march I must have done about 12 tests lol we have a 7 week scan on the 1st of april (as this was a IVF round we get that included which will put my mind at rest) so im just on count down until I see this little bean!!!!
I've a scan on 1st April too.. I should be 6+6 by then so we must be close in dates .. so exciting xx
Ah scan buddy! I think we'll be about 7.3/4 ish by then if I've worked it out right as im 6.1 today :) can't wait to see my jelly bean
Ah scan buddy! I think we'll be about 7.3/4 ish by then if I've worked it out right as im 6.1 today :) can't wait to see my jelly bean

you must be so overwhelmed, you have been through alot to get where you are now! I am guessing ill be 6 6 but could have ovulated a few days earlier as I wasn't tracking and my first bfp was quite early either way let me know how you and we can compare our scan pictures :preg::bump:
Cmah yes totally still in shock! After so long trying, in and out of hospital etc just never thought we'd get to this point! Just can't get the smile off my face!
Cmah yes totally still in shock! After so long trying, in and out of hospital etc just never thought we'd get to this point! Just can't get the smile off my face!
that's amazing im so pleased for you
Hey everyone I am feeling the same. 1st timer ivf'er and I have done about 6 tests since my OTD yesterday. I spent £50 on loads of tests and now I am driving myself up the wall as my lines aren't very dark but I got 1-2 weeks on a digital so it made me feel a bit better.

I am waiting for my 7 week scan appt date and just counting down till that and hoping everything is going to be okay :love:
Alexis honestly I've done loads since I found out haha brain is in overdrive! My hubby jassy says to pee on a stick as much as I want If it makes me feel better haha fingers crossed they get you your scan date soon!
Ladies, I totally get it. I must have taken 100 tests with my full term pregnancy as I was do convinced I would lose it again. It's normal to be anxious and the hormone rush will make it worse as well.

One thing I do want to say to you all though, is to try your very best to manage the worry and try to think positively whenever it creeps in. I say this because, worry can't help you. It can't prevent something that will happen anyway it can't change what is already done and it sure can't make you feel better.

I worried, with good reason, all through my pregnancy with my gorgeous boy. I so so wish I had breathed it all in and enjoyed it a bit more. Luckily I'm pregnant again now and am just enjoying this one and the excitement that comes with it. I so wish I had enjoyed Kieran's pregnancy more.

Don't let fear and worry ruin a very very happy time. Yes, losses happen, more than most people know, but when they do, they are totally out of our control and are not a reflection of us at all. Miscarriage is an indiscriminate heartbreaking fall of the dice so there's no controlling it. Just try to relax and enjoy it xxx
I'm exactly the same! This is my first time and I'm a natural worrier anyway so I'm 10x worse being pregnant.

I just don't 'feel' pregnant; I've had a bit of nausea feeling and tiredness but no sickness, sore breasts etc.. I had to buy a secret pregnancy test (without telling my oh) and do it just for reassurance.

I'm so impatient.. I just want to see it already lol!
Step away from the tests! I was so anxious at the start of my pregnancy. I used the clear blue digital weeks tests and a cheap Tesco one. I hate the clear blue ones. They dont always tell you the right weeks etc and make anxiety worse. I really wish they would stop selling them tbh.

The Tesco cheap tests I used were with pink dye and I think they are clearer to read than blue dye ones.

Anyway, my clear blue digital tests weren't moving beyond 1-2 weeks and I was panicking as I was having cramps etc as well. Previously had a mc at 6 weeks. I did eventually get a 2-3 reading but I just hate the extra worry it caused.

Also I was reading up all the symptoms i "should" be getting. My boobs stopped hurting at 5 weeks and i worried about that too.

Basically I've learnt symptoms come and go, you may not get all or any symptoms, you will feel good some days and rough other days. Every pregnancy is different.

Currently 23+6 and my little girl is kicking away in my tummy. My advice is try to not read up too much on Google and put the tests down x
Glad to hear it's all going well for you! :)

I agree about the blue clear tests, it calculated my weeks wrong and made me doubt alot!

That's reassuring about the symptoms; I am massively guilty of using Google and reading up horror stories on there... I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and waiting to see the midwife on the 10th April for the first time. I've experienced some brown spotting the last couple of days but trying to not let it worry me... I've not had any pregnant friends so I find that this forum is an absolute life saver!!..

I'm just trying to carry on as normal and go about my normal day to day life (and not get too emotional in the meantime lol) and what will be, will be! :) x

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