Hi all
I’m Faye 33 from Liverpool. I have a 10 year old son, 8 year old son and a daughter who will be 2 later this month. I had the mirena coil fitted not long after she was born as I was completely done with having children but woke up this morning with boobs doubled in size and very sore and then realised I was 2 weeks late so I don’t a test and it came back as a very strong positive. I rang epu and explained and they told me to go straight in as getting pregnant with the coil can likely mean eptopic so off I went, thankfully they found my coil had moved from my uterus to my cervix so said it’s most likely not eptopic. They removed my coil and booked me in for a scan Tuesday. Still in shock and not sure how to feel but considering I had the coil and me and my partner sleep in separate rooms and have had sex 6 times in total this year, I’m thinking it’s meant to be. Hope your all ok