Anxiety has started


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Jun 15, 2005
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Hey girls my name is Jenny I'm due 27th April 2016 (I'm in the April group)

This is baby no. 7 for me and my final baby.

I suffer with depression and I am on setraline medication for it. My depression disappears when pregnant but gets replaced with severe anxiety
Hope the anxiety does play up too much for you love x
Anxiety is a horrible thing, I feel for you. Mine is controlled but when pregnant and can't take anything, mixed with hormones and stress it just gets out of control. Have you seen someone? Sounds random but I've invested in an adult colouring book to take my mind off things for a while as night time is my worst x
T84 I brought one the other day and I have been doing it at night too! Snap!!!!

I play solitaire on my phone in bed too and it really helps me wind down xx
When I was pregnant with my daughter I had terrible anxiety leading up to our 12 week scan. I bought a 20p kids colour by numbers book from Asda and it really helped to keep me busy!
I've been doing an old jigsaw to take my mind off things when I get anxious! Just a week to go now until my 12 week scan.xx
I suffer with depression and anxiety too :( Other than exhaustion I have no other pregnancy symptoms and it's making my anxiety so much worse. I asked my GP for a reassurance scan because of my history but she said she couldn't do it on the NHS but would recommend some private clinics - sucks! It's going to be a loooooong few weeks xXx
It's so bad at the moment flick! I'm tense all the time even when I'm asleep I am conscious that I am tensing my stomach and I'm worrying that I'm doing harm x
My anxiety plays up when pregnant too. But in terms of RIDICULOUS OCD.

I have awful ocd as it is, but I've now found that I've literally made twice as bad in the last few days.
Just a simple task as going to the toilet takes its toll on me.
I have to push down the flush 8 times in alternate hands in a specific mirrored pattern. Then when I use hand wash I have to do the same, push it down 8 times with alternate hands, but now turned to 16! Then my mixer tap has to be dead in the middle before I leave the bathroom. And because we have a swingy light pull, I need to make sure is dead still before leaving. It has to be stopped using alternate hands too. Even closing the door, if I use my left hand to pull it, I have to use my right hand to pull it the rest of the way. But then use both hands to actually click the door shut.
NOTHING can be done in multiples of 3 and if I think it's fallen on doing something 3 times, I have to redo it all.

I don't know what I can do to control it all. I tell myself to stop but then it's overruled by thinking something bad will happen if I don't do it just once! xxx
:( Can you use a hot water bottle or something to try and relax you? Hot, milky drink before bed. Do you like to burn candles and/or incense?

I've got a feeling I'm guna have a MMC. It's all too good to be true. Serenity is a dream, how can I be growing another miracle so soon? I feel like it'll all be slashed at the scan and I'll find out that I'm carrying a baby which stopped developing weeks prior. It makes me sick with worry all the time and so numb that I can't actually cry :(
Mummyandpj have you spoken to a midwife or Dr about your issues?? I'm not really sure what to suggest it must be awful living like that xx

Flick I know what you mean I am constantly thinking it's too good to be true because it happened so quickly for us (1st month) I just keep thinking we can't be this lucky and have it so easy.

Have you got your booking in appt yet? Could you ask for an early reassurance scan if you explain how you feel??

I have booked an early reassurance scan for when I'm 8 weeks it's cost me £45 but will be worth it. The scan is a week before my booking in appt xx
Yeah, my booking in appointment is in a couple of weeks, 16th sept. I'll be 10+ something by then.
I did ask my GP but she said I can't get a scan on the nhs, which is fair enough I guess, it's there for those who truly need it. Doesn't help my mind going into overdrive though.

Wow, 1 month is amazing! Well done! ;) My hubby and I were NTNP, we didn't expect to fall so quickly.

Do you have any symptoms? Do you feel pregnant? xXx
Hi jnyfer. I hope you don't mind me asking but this is my first pregnancy (unplanned) and I too have been taking sertraline but stupidly stopped when I found out. I'm almost 12 weeks but still haven't seen a midwife yet so weren't sure whether the tablets are still safe to take whilst pregnant? Has anyone ever advised you against it? Didn't want to look it up on Internet as I can't imagine anyone ever saying anything good about it.
Hi kezzi,
I can only give you my experience.... Last pregnancy I reduced my dosage to 50mg (was 150mg) whilst ttc and once I got pg I started taking them every other day then every 3 until I was completely off them. The withdrawals I felt were awful (not sure if you had them)

I went to my gp at about 12 weeks I think to say I really couldn't manage without them so I was put on 50mg a day. I refused a higher dose but was told to come back and up it if I needed. I struggled until the last 2 weeks on just 50mg before seeing a midwife councillor who told me she thought it was in my best interests to up the dose to 100mg.
Her advise was that there is more pressure and stress to my mental health when not taking them and that you have to weigh up your options as to what's best for you. For me personally I cannot cope without the meds.
My son is 7mths old now and very healthy. This pregnancy I am taking 100mg a day and I won't be coming off them this time.
If you look it up you will find all sorts of stories so I advise against it.
The reason why it is not medically proven that there are risks is because there are no studies to give us true answers. I can't imagine they would ever find 200 odd pregnant woman to do drug trials lol.

Hope this has been some help and not a load of waffle lol xx
That's perfect, thank you.its good to hear someone's personal experience x
No problem. I found my midwife very helpful and understanding but I know not all are. I hope you get a good one and she can help you work out what the best course of action is for your situation.

Do you feel you are struggling without the meds? Xx
It's difficult because I feel ok at the moment. Still getting my head around being pregnant and dreading telling people at work as my partner wants me to abort and we work together. So I guess I know it's
Going to be a bumpy ride and just feel stronger when I'm taking them. If that makes sense

I spoke to a midwife earlier and she said everything you have. She hasn't had any problems with pregnant women on sertraline.

Feel like a big weight has been lifted, would be nice to actually start enjoying this

Thank you for your response, you really have helped x
Sorry to hear about your work/partner issues.
Best advice I can give you with regards to the meds is carry on as you are but when you notice the signs that your struggling or having to try hard to hold your self together that's time to get back on them

Happy baby=happy mummy xxx

I'm here if you need anything even just to chat xxx
I managed to get out today. I went into Bromley with the younger kids and my mum. Felt good to be out and mum seems quite interested in the pregnancy she is even getting us a double buggy for new bub and Finn who will be 15 months when this little one is born.

I am shattered now and already ready for bed lol.

It's nice to know I'm not alone with this anxiety struggle and I'm so happy that I can express my feelings to you all on here as it helps to have people who understand xx

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